IQ Test

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Daisy's point of view

It was the day after i helped Bruce and Tony in the lab and solved 'in there words' a unsolvable equation and i thought they would leave me alone about hr IQ test but when Tony stormed up to me with a computer and sat it down In Front of me i realized that wouldn't be the case.

It was almost laughable how easy I found it and I had seen them stress out over it for days. It was funny.

Of course I would never tell them that, especially Stark, he might launch me into space on a rocket of his or something.

I had just finished lunch and was laying on my bed while they were both talking over one another and I told them to leave and I would do the stupid test, which of course made them trip over one another to leave because they were eager to see the results.

So then i began them just like i told them i would and went through the tests one by one answering each question carefully and from what i can tell correctly but i won't know for sure until i have the results.

There was math, English, science, mechanics, human interactions, and espionage, along with loads more subjects in different fields and life scenarios that could happen.

The first test I did was math which was easy from my point of view.

It was easy and straightforward and almost insulting that they made this the test when it was not challenging at all.

Then there was English where I had to write an essay on a subject of my choosing and then a story which again was easy because I know that the trick to get high marks is just to use educational and large impressive words.

Then there was science which was basically an insult to my intelligence and many more test's in many more fields.

When I had completed the test Tony said it would take a few days to get the results and he was right.

The results came when Natasha returned home and picked me up and swung me around in the lobby of stark industries like the ending of a romantic movie.

It wasn't two seconds later when Tony appeared out of nowhere and announced that he had them in an envelope he was holding.

And he handed me the envelope with a sly smile and a childlike excitement from what could be in it.

"Come on babe, open it" Encouraged Natasha.


I said , opening the letter.

When I opened it I started reading until my eyes came to a number that shocked me greatly and made my eyes widen in surprise.

"What is it Skye?" asked Tony.

"Don't worry Fury assured me that nobody will see the results" he said.

"No it's not that" I told them.

"Then what is it?" asked Natasha

"It says my IQ is 306''

I told them to make their jaws hang open.

"But that's higher than mine," said Tony.

"And unbelievable"

Said Natasha taking the test scores from my hand.

"But it's true"

She said after reading it.

"What? show me"

He said, indicating to the paper.

"I don't believe it, you're so smart"

He said with a tone of appreciation and wonder.

"Thank you"

I said before walking on the way to my bedroom with Natasha on my heels.

When we enter our bedroom I go straight for the bed and immediately curl up under the sheets.

"So babe"

Said Natasha getting ready for a shower after she had stopped to kiss the bump.

"Yes Hun" I responded.

"You are smart and it has been proven so it can't be denied anymore"

She said, making me huff.

"Yes, I guess so, go and have a shower" I say.

"Ok i will"

She pecks me on the lips before heading towards the showers and leaving me to my thoughts.

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