Truths come to light

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Coulson's point of view

Once we had finished the mission we came back to the town to pick Skye up. everything had gone so smoothly before we didn't find Skye but instead found her technology block bracelet in her place which really annoyed me.

I placed my trust in her and she broke it yet again. Skye will pay for making me look stupid and incompetent this is my team.

I am meant to be the leader and yet I allowed her to yet again make me look like a fool in front of them.

When we returned to the bus without Skye I went straight to the office to tell Fury that Skye had run away and about her ties to the rising tide, because of it Fury put her on top of the shield most wanted list.

He asked me if I'd found any proof that she had run and I told him that I saw her run away on the security camera which wasn't the truth, it's just Skye is a liability.

My duty is to shield. I will put them first even if it means lying to a friend about something I already know about, I know this is the truth because I'm never wrong okay I'm nearly never wrong.

As i was coming out of the office after speaking with fury, hill, and Victoria who just happened to be there and said 'i told you so' i bumped into may, she looked troubled so i asked her what was wrong.

"I know Skye had done pretty questionable things but this does not seem like her"

She says before walking away with her stoic mask on, but i have Always been able to see through it and I knew that she still cares for Skye Even after everything which makes me a little bit angry, I am her friend not Skye But then we all got attached to her.

Skye is a bit like Gemma; she worms away into Your heart's without you knowing but Gemma is harmless whereas Skye is a scorpion ready to sting you and betray you. After that I went to her bunk and packed up all of her things.

Obviously I don't want them here when somebody else, somebody loyal, can join the team instead and make a real difference, I didn't throw her things away in case Fury Wanted them as proof.

A few months later we were still tracking her trying to find where she had gone to but there was absolutely no trace at all, it was like she disappeared off the face of the planet.

However hard we looked Nothing came up we even went to visit miles and we threatened him with life in prison but he insisted that he hadn't seen her since she walked away and chose them over him, we even managed to find where she grew up we went there to visit and were a bit surprised when it was filled with nuns.

That's just aggravated us even further The mother Superior had nothing but nice things to say about her, apparently she had always gone out of her way to help the younger children And even helped to cook most nights she was always the shoulder people could lean on and trust not to tell their secrets to they insisted that whatever legal problems she had it was not what they thought and that they should look deeper because and I quote' Mary-Sue Potts is a good nice girl That never does anything wrong, Unless she's trying to protect the people she loves'.


fury's point of view

When I learned that Skye Had betrayed the team it confused me to no end. I met her briefly on the plane and she looked like a very decent person and Maria had met her at the hub and she's there.

She was a very decent person as well and that she seemed very loyal and even though She had her faults that she was the most unlikely To betray the Team.

Given her history being an orphan and the fact that all she wanted was a family and that she got that family with the team, it made it even less likely in my mind that she did run but apparently there was proof so I can't say otherwise.

Skye's unfortunate start and happy endingWhere stories live. Discover now