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Chapter12: 30% to 90%

“So that's the whole story?” All Might asks

“Yes” The doctor responds

The Number 1 hero takes a deep breath and takes in what he just heard. “The fire wall system is still dormant, correct?”

“yes yes, but it will awaken it's full power eventually”


“The boys wants to become a hero, if he's going to put himself in danger the system will awaken whether I want it to or not”

All Might takes another step closer to the doctor. “If that boy becomes a hero, he will get the attention of dangerous individuals who know of the Cyberse metal! That includes A.F.O!”

The hunchback stays quiet for a bit, genuinely perplexed by what was just said. “Yaigi, my fellow crippled individual…”

“I'm not crippled” All Might retorts with actual confusion.

“Half your organs are gone, yes you are, but listen. A.F.O is gone, I watched you beat him until there was nothing left but a stain on the floor.”

All might doesn't look at the doctor, “he's alive”

What happened next was an odd sight, the lumps in the doctor's coat went wild, moving in every which direction simultaneously. “Not possible! How do you know!?”

All Might stays silent for a bit, then answers “a gut feeling”.

Now the doctor knows a great many things, and worked closely with A.F.O before he defected, but the king of villains was still secretive. So even Topologina doesn't know of O.F.A existence, so he can't know the connection the number 1 hero has with the final boss.

“A gut feeling? You almost gave me a heart attack over a guy feeling?” The lumps in the doctor's coat begin to slow down, and All Might has to explain his reasoning.

“He's been alive for centuries, what if he had a quirk that let him survive what I did?” All Might starts to deflate, the bulking figure taking the form of a scrawny man in a now oversized suit.

The doctor walks over to him, a mechanical bee examining his body. “What an odd quirk, I only saw you take this form a bit after I had to hastefully fix your damaged body”.

Yaigi grabs the bee and flings it away, annoyance in his voice, “answer the question, what are the odds”.

The doctor sighs, taking a moment to examine all the variables. “Even if he did have a quirk that could do that, the problem would arrive at the brain. Even if it healed, it wouldn't be the same. There would be memory loss, body function failure, and a myriad of other problems.”

Yaigi stays firm, “but it's possible?”

“Oh my- yes, it is possible, but he would be on life support at this point, and maybe brain dead. Then there's the problem with his quirks, he kept saying they were “beginning to rebel” but in actuality he was suffering the effects of having too many quirks stockpiled. Without the Firewall system to help him, his body would be breaking down from that strain as well…unless”.

Yaigi ears perked up “unless?”

“Maybe if that freak garaki was still alive, but I cut him in half, so no one else is even capable of saving A.F.O.”

Yaigi lets out a sigh, he still doesn't believe all is well, but it doesn't seem like he can convince the doctor otherwise. Not without revealing his secret. Wanting to change the subject, he asks of another pressing matter.

“What about the Ignister system?”

The hunchback doctor laughs “bah, another failure in A.F.O eyes. He wanted a perfect second in command, but no one compatible with the system was ever truly willing to be subservient to him.”

“But you still have it?”

“No, it was lost after you destroyed the island it was on”

“So it's still out there!?” All Might says in a panic.

“I just told you no one who was truly subservient to O.F.A could use it, and he himself wasn't compatible due to all the quirks he had.” the doctor proclaims, trying to reason with the hero that everything is fine.

Yaigi puts his hand to his face and drags them down,  “you must really think I'm paranoid”

“Yes, and I'm telling you it's over, we won, all I need to do is find the Ignister system, and all will be well.

Yaigi actually sits on the floor, pinching the bridge of his nose. This few minute conversation takes more out of him than fighting a villain. “Ok, This could be worse, it's bad, but could be worse. One system in the hands of a teenager shouldn't cause much issue.”

For about half a second, all the lumps in the doctor's coat move sporadically again, something All Might notices.

“What was that?”


Yaigi springs up from the floor buffing up again “Goddamn fuc- THERE'S MORE THAN ONE!?”

Midoriya Izuku woke up to the smell of leftovers from last night, and the sound of an 18+ video.


The two's room is rather cramped, with two beds taking up half of the space inside.

“Because as my quirk evolves, my hypothalamus and pituitary gland gets more active.” Minoru explains while looking at his entertainment.

“Why in our room damnit!?” Midoriya groans, he had gotten more used to cursing in the year he's lived the Topologics.

Midoriya gets up with the speed of a man with a hangover and grabs his purple haired friend by his collar.

“Midoriya no, I need pants!” Mineta protests while hanging in the air

“Stop watching that!...” Midoriya begins as he reels his hand back, preparing to throw the imp.

“While I'm in the room!” He finishes while tossing the smaller cyborg out.

The white haired cyborg doesn't even look out the door, he hears a crash, and the twins complain about Mineta's lack of pants.

It had to be done.

Izuku had full intention of going back to bed, wanting to continue the food coma from last night, but the voice of the doc dashes his hopes.

“Midoriya my child, come down for a moment”

“Kay…” The boy groans while turning back around and putting on his limited edition All Might slippers.

As walks down the stairs he sees three things. The doctor, who was tending to Mineta, who was planted face first on the table, and a scrawny blond man sitting on the opposite end.

The man is holding his hands in the air, holding a cup of tea that he almost dropped when Mineta came crashing down. His suit was baggy and wrinkled, he had bags over his eyes like he hadn't slept in days, and to top it all off, his hair was a mess.

Just as Midoriya reaches the bottom of the stairs, the doctor explains.

“Midoriya, this man here is a…representative of U.A, he's going to interview the two of you. If all goes well, your chances of getting into the hero course will go from 30% to 90%

Izuku's eyes go wide, and Minoru finally gets up, “oh cool, I'm Minoru Mineta, the guy that threw me from the top of the stairs is Izuku Midoriya, please let us in your school.”

You could almost see the color drain from Midoriya's face, like his skin was turning the same color as his hair. First impressions are important, and the white haired cyborg just blew theirs.

It can't get any worse.

Just as he thinks this, Layla bursts into the kitchen topless. The man spits out his tea, and Izuku falls to his knees.

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