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Chapter1: The Firewall System

All men are not created equal

“You should probably give it up”

“I'm so sorry Izuku”

That's a lesson this young man learned early.

His name was Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless child who is currently heaving wet breaths. Clinging to dear life as his body laid broken and bloody Infront of a tall building he was just at the top of.

It was normal, at least normal for this young man. He would stay to himself, he would get the occasional snide remark, maybe a spit ball would throw at him, but this was all to be expected, he was used it.

He was a pebble by the side of the road, something to be ignored at best, and kicked around for the amusement of others at worst. This was to be expected, his treatment was at the mercy of his tormentors mood, and for whatever reason, their mood today was foul.

Or rather his mood, bakugou katsuki, Izuku’s childhood friend and main bully. On an average day he would be a minor inconvenience, a painful but minor one. On the bad days however, when Izuku spoke up, or defended himself a bit too much, he'd leave the school with bruises and scorch marks.

Today however, he didn't do anything, he stayed to himself, he didn't fight back. It wasn't his fault, but whatever the reason, Katsuki was pissed, and he was gonna take it out on the quirkless teen.

The explosion quirk user and his two lackies lead him to the school roof. There they hit him, scratch him, take his hero books and rip them up, and to top it all off, the cherry on top, they hold him over the edge of the roof.

The green haired boy’s feet struggle to stay on the ledge as Katsuki holds him by the collar. Tears in his eyes as he slightly chokes from the fabric griping on his neck.

“Remember, you will always be nothing” the blond teen snarls as he pulls Izuku off the ledge. Freeing him from his bullies grip.

Now it should be known that at the very least, the bullies never really intended to let him fall. They just got a kick out of the boys fear, so when one of the lackeys, a young man with a quirk that lets him extend his fingers a great length, gives him one last small shove, something unexpected happens.

Well it should have been expected, he is young, he is inexperienced, he still doesn't have full mastery of his quirk. So when you combine his shove of the scrawny, underweight boy on the ledge of a roof. With the accidental activation of his quirk, which sends his fingers shooting out far faster than he wants, you get an obvious conclusion.

Midoriya Izuku falls.

First he hits a flag pole on the side of the school building back first. His spine cracks, and the flag comes falling down, along with some debris.

When he hits the hard dirt, it's feet first. The quirkless boy's knees bend 90 degrees the wrong way, and a scream leaves his mouth.

Now a cracked spine and broken legs shouldn't be fatal, but Izuku is quite unlucky. What happens next is so unlikely it was as if God himself had a grudge against the teen.

The flag pool falls directly into the boy's mouth and exits his lower back, skewering him like a pig. Then, to top off whatever cruel God chose to do this, the heavy debris fall directly on his arms crushing them.

Izuku Midoriya breathes what little air he can, he shouldn't be alive, but he is. His only saving grace was a nearby teacher whose quirk let him stop bleeding, but this did little to help him.

The quirkless child was as good as dead.

Izuku Midoriya can only remember bits and pieces, intense pain, a stretcher, an ambulance, more intense pain, then…nothing. The world went dark.

“We're sorry ma'am, we did all we could, he doesn't have much time” the doctor leaves Izuku's mother alone with those words.

Her child was on life support, he had at most 30 minutes left and the woman was not ready.

“ I should have done things differently, been more supportive, this is all my fault”

Inko doesn't cry, she just stares dead eyed at the mutilated body of her child. No thoughts in her head as she just lets the time pass. No sounds in the room other than the life support.

“Please stand aside”

The voice of a man and woman cuts through the silence, a masked hunchback stands at the door frame. Five mechanical bees fly out of their coat four hover around the dying Izuku, while one scrambles the cameras in the room

“Why are you here?” Inko asks

“I'm here, to save the boy's life” the hunchback responds matter of factly, one two of the bees that were flying over Izuku head towards the two. One unfolds into a tablet, giving the hunchback a look at Izuku's condition, the other creates a sound proof barrier around Inko, so she can't interrupt his work.

“Roughly 10 minutes of life remaining, checking neural pathways for compatible systems”

The bee that dealt with the cameras makes its stinger detach from its body, the needle only being connected by a thin tube. The needle pierces Izuku's skull, causing him to jerk abit. Inko slams on the barrier when she sees this, tears filling her eyes, but the hunchback pays her no mind.

“salamangreat system…negative, codetalker system…negative, borrel system…negative”

Izuku's body begins to convuls, the hunchback is running out of time. With great hesitation, the hunchback scrolls down on the tablet and presses on a folder not opened in a while. They enter a password, and immediately a test is run.

“Firewall System…positive”

Inko panics when she hears that, hisashi only brought that name up once, when he used to work for this psychopath.

The final two bees link together and spin around, turning into a ball of light before they expand, creating a portal in the hospital room.

From the portal comes an almost perfect cube of white metal, various bits of black can be seen decorating it. The cube immediately opens and black wires lash out, grabbing the dying teen and pulling him into the box. It closes tight and the hunchback sends the bee trapping inko to cover the cube, for they know there will be screaming.

“What did you do! What is that thing!” Inko shouts, ready to kill the masked hunchback.

“A system I long wanted to forget, Hisashi and i’s greatest masterpiece, and our greatest mistake”

The cube shakes, and Izuku's mutilated arms and legs come flying out. Inko screams and tries to help her child, but she can't get through the barrier.

“First the limbs” the hunchback mutters to themselves.

The cube then spits out the boy's internal organs, inko can just barely see various wires replacing the organs they just took out with artificial ones.

She passed out.

“Then the organs. The spine, ribs and skull will be encased in a thick layer of metal. Then finally…”

As if on cue, the last thing to be spat out by the cube is his eyes and hair. Green trademark of the quirkless child is long gone.

The box remains shaking for 15 minutes, and when it finally stops, the cube unfolds completely and breaks down, leaving only the new Izuku Midoriya.

His arms are now completely robotic, a somewhat soft black material with blue lines on it covered entirely in white metal, except for the joints.

His legs are the same, the white metal covering everything but the inside of his thighs,  the knees and the ankles.

Small scales of metal cover his spine, and his hair seems to have been replaced with some white material that looks like normal hair, but isn't.

Finally his eyes, the Sclera are black with a blue iris and a black pupil.

The hunchback picks the boy up and moves the portal created a short while ago in such a way that it cleans up the mess.

“Our greatest creation, the system originally designed to fix A.F.O”

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