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Chapter6: Zero to Infinity Pt1

I'm the dead of night, three cyborgs sit atop a building across from a luxurious hotel. Two of them are looking at their phones, which have a map of the hotel's interior, and the 3rd is looking directly at the building, specifically the beautiful women entering.

“This is great” Mineta smiles as he continues to observe the variety of people entering the hotel.

“Mmh, I guess,” Logan remarks, still looking at his phone. “Alright, so in 2 hours, the entire outside will shut down. Us, the reporters, even a poor sap trying to go home will be escorted off and forced to reroute.”

“Everything in a two block radius right?” Midoriya tries to confirm the hasty explanation of the job.

Logan chose not to tell them the details about the mission until the day of, much to Mineta and Midoriya's annoyance.

The job was quite a jump from the boys usual. Multiple high ranking business owners and politicians from all over Japan are coming to this hotel for a “tech debut” in a few days, but that's not why the Topologics are here.

The mission is about what's happening tonight, an auction of tech that shouldn't be available to the public yet. Most of it is harmless in the grand scheme of things, just a way for certain CEOs to get cutting edge tech so they can reverse engineer it.

But some of it was very dangerous.

Logan wouldn't give them exact details of what they were looking for, saying that it wasn't important. All the two boys needed to know was that their job was to find a computer.

“Alright enough talking” Logan says as he puts his phone down, “suit up”

After 2 hours and 30 minutes of waiting (most of which were spent calming the nerves of Mineta and Midoriya), three hooded figures leave the building and head to the back entrance of the hotel.

All three cyborgs' first restrictions are removed, and they all wear the same clothes and masks, completely hiding any district features on them.

Black pants and jackets, black gloves, turtle necks and boots, and metal masks that cover Midoriya and Logan's entire heads.

Minetas' mask  was a bit different, with a cap on his head to cover his hair, making it look like he had a mushroom on his head.

“Listen up” Logan walks while he talks, not looking at the boys. “Until the job is done, do not call each other by your real names. You will only refer to each other as the names of your systems.”

Both boys nod as they reach the back entrance, to their surprise, there is no one there, except for one man.

When he sees the three, he initially prepares to tell them to leave. When Logan holds up his phone, the guard's face goes pale, and he opens the back door.

“Thank you” Logan says gesturing for the boys to enter. As they do, the guard speaks up.

“No one's gonna see those photos right?” The guard asks, his voice shaking.

“You have my word, I won't show your wife the pics you sent those girls”. Logan waves the man off, not looking in his direction.

As the guard lets out a sigh of relief, Logan mutters under his breath “the cops however”

“And first on the list of this evening is the prototype for a quirk enhancing helmet we “acquired” from I-Island, the bidding starts at 1 million”

The voice of a man Mineta and Midoriya can't see can be heard through the walls of the hallway they are in. Logan is right behind the two, looking at the map on his phone and telling the two where to go.

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