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Chapter4- 1st and 5th jobs

The two newest members of the Topologics stand in front of the door of a one bedroom apartment, both teens wearing latex gloves and face masks, and each holding a bag with sponges and various cleaning supplies.

Mineta knocks on the door, and there's no answer. He knocks again and waits a while, but once more there's no answer.

“Maybe they forgot about the request?” Midoriya suggests. Just as he walks closer to grab the door handle, the door flies open, smacking Midoriya clean in the forehead. He holds his head, but once again it's only out of instinct.

“HA” Mineta laughs at the sudden assault of his partner, much to Midoriya’s dismay.

“Oh, sorry kid” comes the voice of a woman, Mineta's entire demeanor changes as he sees the woman whose picture was on the app. She looked exactly like her picture, exactly, down to the dirty shirt and pants. Which is odd since the request was made 2 days ago.

“Huh? What do you kids want?” She asks while wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

“Midoriya quickly gets up and explains “were with Topologics ma'am, you put in a request to clean your house. you're ms. Takeyama, correct?”.

The woman rubs her eyes then squints at the boys, seemingly not fully waking up yet. “Oh yeah, I did put that request in” she runs her hands through her blond hair, scratching the back of her head. “I forgot I put that in”.

“O-Oh…would you like to cancel the-” Midoriya is cut off when Takeyama holds a hand up to his face.

“No no, come in, this place is a mess.”

“i can't believe it”
“Mineta no”
“I mean, she lives alone. How could it get this bad?”
“Let's just finish this off”

Mineta and Midoriya are 2 hours in on the cleaning job, and it was draining on both of them.

The bedroom and dining room/kitchen were the worst. Every time they thought they were done, there was another discarded bit of clothing, another bit of mold, another dirty q-tip in a place it shouldn't be. Mineta dealt with fine at first, him being able to touch a woman's used clothes was heaven for the little perv, but soon the effect wore off, and the frustration set in.

It reaches a head when they enter the bathroom.

“HOLY-” Mineta's scream is cut off by Midoriya's hand, but it's too late, their customer heard them.

“Alright, after this you two should be done”. Ms Takeyama says cheerfully, not caring about the boy's shock from seeing the bathroom.

After another hour and a half, the two finally finish cleaning and go to Takeyama for payment.

“We should charge extra,” Mineta mumbles under his breath.

“That'll be 150 ma'am” Midoriya explains, ignoring Mineta. He holds out his phone, typing a 150.00 on the screen next to a confirm button. Before he can click it though, Takeyama leans forward, pulling her shirt down a bit to show her cleavage.

“How about a peek for a discount” she says while winking.

Both Mineta and Midoriya blush like crazy, all the frustration of the job leaving the former's mind. The small man almost accepted the offer, his hand moving to hit the discount button, but Midoriya stops him.

“Not again!” He shouts while holding the phone up, clicking the confirm button as he does. A notification appears on the client's phone, alerting her of the prince she must pay.

She huffs, “fine, give me a minute”

As she walks to her phone, Mineta speaks up. “Thanks for that, I moved on instinct again”

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