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Chapter5- 3 Months of Bullshit, and a job with Logan.

“You two suck”

The deadpan insult comes from the right head of the snake woman, the left nodding in agreement.

It has been three hours since  Mineta and Midoriya were saved by the twins, the frog man has been sent to the hospital, the twins making sure no one saw them.

Now the two newest members of the Topologics are being chewed out as they head back to the garage.

“You two literally have the most advanced systems on earth melded with your bodies. How could you not handle this?” the left head says gesturing to boys their entire bodies.

Midoriya stays silent with his head down, not sure how to respond to the women, but Mineta is quite angry.

“We're 14! How were we supposed to fight those guys? We're not heroes!” Mineta raises his voice, Midoriya turns to the boy and gestures for him to lower his tone.

Before the twins can strike the imp with a mass of green energy, an orange hand grabs their shoulder.

“Hey girls, let's not” Layla smiles at the twins, but her grip on their shoulder implies bad things will happen if they try to hurt the boys. She waves at Mineta, her favorite imp, and the glares at the twins.

The twins don't seem intimidated, the green aura surrounding their bodies as they direct their attention to Layla. “We shouldn't have had to wake up and speed to the other side of the city for this” both heads speak at once.

Orange orbs surround Layla, the space around the orbs seem to shrink in, like everything is being pulled to them.

The two stare at each other, the two boys seemingly forgotten, and just as they're about to strike each other, the orbs and aura disappear. A white halo forming under the two women, they both seemingly look at the boys, eyes full of annoyance.

Layla sighs “Hey Logan, we were only kidding”

The twins smack Layla's hand off their shoulder, the right head spanking up. “yeah…just joking, we would never fight each other”

Mineta and Midoriya turn around to see Logan, The dark skinned man grunts, dropping his hand, and the halo disappears.

And two women attack him.

“You on the other hand” the left head grunts.

The twins go for a kick, but the man moves to the side, his face completely straight and not even looking at the attack.

Just as he dodged, the green aura reappears around the twins, moving to the leg and turning into long spikes. Logan smacks the spikes with a simple back hand, shattering the spectral constructs.

An orange orb flies between the two, and implodes, sucking everything in and forcing the twins to crash into Logan.

“GOTCHA!” Layla screams while jumping in the Air, her fist winds back, the green lights on her mechanical arms shining bright.

Logan hums and grabs the twins, using them as a human shield to block Layla’s puch.

With a crunch, Layla’s fist makes impact with the twins chest, causing her and the man holding her to fly back.

“Sorry girls, reflex” Logan apologizes, dropping the twins and dodging another orb.

  The twins get up and growl, going for a spin kick. However Logan moves again, causing the twins to hit Layla clean in the jaw.

The Amazon goes flying down the street and into a light pole hard enough to bend it, and before she can get up, the twins are thrown at her.

Both women get up with full intentions of continuing, but Logans gotten bored.

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