Chapter 56

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The house was clean again, Alan prepared the van to take everyone back home. He went to the living room where he found all the members of his team cheering and talking. He clapped his hands once to catch their attention and informed them that they could put their bags into the van. After that, Sonic and North picked up their luggage and started singing happily on their way to the vehicle. Jeff sighed heavily and pointed at the couple as they were already out of the building.

"If they sing during the trip I'm going to kill them. You will obviously have to hide the corpses" Jeff said. The others laughed thinking that he was joking, but when they looked back at Jeff he still looked quite serious about it.

"Come on, it won't be that bad. They are quite funny after all" Charlie intervened to convince his brother, who not only glared at him and Babe, but he also added:

"Of course you see it like that. You will spend your entire time making out with Babe since you now feel like your love is as perfect as the first day. Dean and Winner will surely do the same. Now guess who will be the only one who will be forced to endure that torture? Me!"

"I can comfort you" Alan whispered as he leant closer to kiss Jeff's cheek. Jeff sighed again and pushed him away.

"Get lost old man... how are you going to help me if you have to drive?"

"Hey! You said that age doesn't matter!"

"It is true, but only when I'm in a good mood. When I hate the world and the human race as a whole I simply see you as an old man I find hot" Jeff said a little jokingly as he picked his bag and went to the van. Soon after that, the rest of the team did the same. Everyone except Way, who stood right at the entrance, holding his small luggage in his right hand, hesitating as Alan offered to take it.

Pete watched the entire scene silently, while Kenta could easily guess what was going on inside his dear friend's mind. Way took a deep breath and turned to Pete.

"Pete... do you think I could stay for a few days more?" Way asked. Pete's eyes sparkled with joy, he smiled tenderly and responded:

"Well, I'm sure that we can find a suitable accommodation" then he hugged him tight. Way closed his eyes and smiled softly.

"Umm... I don't really mean to interrupt the nice moment but I'm afraid I have to ask you the same favor since I lived in Tony's facility... just saying" Kenta added.

"They aren't listening, I suppose I can let you sleep on the couch in my living room" Kim offered.

"And then you will..."

"We'll see if you deserve an upgrade to the bedroom"

The End

Pit Babe: Speed of Love (PeteWay, KentaKim, WinnerDean)Where stories live. Discover now