Chapter 21

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"Where do we go now?" Alan asked and waited for Pete to respond, however Pete, who was sitting in the back of the car, was too busy taking care of Way to even listen to Alan. To be fair, Way didn't need that much help in that particular moment: right after getting into the vehicle, they gave him something to calm him down, and Way quickly fell asleep on Pete's shoulder. Babe in the meanwhile used a coat to cover Way in order to keep him warm.

Kenta whispered something in Pete's ear. The CEO nodded in response, and so Tony's former assistant leant closer to the driver to speak to Alan without waking Way up. Alan gave a rapid look outside the vehicle to see if they were still being chased by Tony's henchmen, as he realized that nobody was following them, he moved his head a little bit to signal Kenta that he could talk.

"Head to Pete's house, we will use his mansion as our shelter for the time being. After we're there, we must tell the other members of the team to come too. Tony doesn't accept a defeat so easily, he may realize that it is impossible to get his hands on Way and Babe directly, so I fear that he may try to kidnap someone close to them to use as a leverage, do you understand?" Kenta explained.

"Very good, my phone is in my pocket, take it and send a message in the group chat telling them to come to Pete's house. We should be there in a few minutes" Alan responded and continued driving.

The van stopped in front of the mansion. Alan immediately got off the vehicle and opened the car door to help Pete get off with Way. Two more cars arrived soon after, it was the rest of the team who immediately cheered as they saw that the squad managed to get Way to safety, however they changed their expressions immediately after seeing Babe glare at them.

Pete and Babe took Way upstairs to one of the many guestrooms. After laying Way on the bed, Pete felt the urge to stay with him alone. A selfish part of him made him feel like he was the only one who deserved to stay by Way's side, but he quickly ignored that feeling. He didn't want to push Way's friends away from him, just because he had to be the only one in Way's life, he was disappointed that such a thought even crossed his mind.

"Babe, do you mind staying here too?" Pete said as he noticed that Babe was trying to leave the room.

"I thought that you... well... yeah, sure" Babe responded confused, considering the way Pete gently held Way's hand.

"Thank you, it will be better for Way to see a familiar face as he wakes up"

Babe smiled, took a chair and put it closer to the bed, then he looked at Pete and realized how much Pete would have given away just to be that familiar face... Babe knew that Way was in love with him, it hurt him to know that he simply couldn't reciprocate that feeling, but now he finally felt relief after he realized that there was someone ready to give Way the love he needed. 

Pit Babe: Speed of Love (PeteWay, KentaKim, WinnerDean)Where stories live. Discover now