Chapter 44

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Tony went to the basement after a while, he looked around and found the cell empty and an unconscious bodyguard on the floor. He sighed heavily and silently went back to his office. He sat down and stared at his own portrait for quite a long time. When he finally decided what his next move was going to be, he turned to his secretary and asked him to call Winner.

Winner came back as rapidly as possible, he knew that for the time being he didn't have to worry about being punished: the only person that could be reasonably blamed for the escape was the guard that was knocked out. Tony knew that Winner took Dean out of the facility and Winner himself wasn't supposed to take care of Babe at all, so everything was fine as long as Tony didn't find any reason to investigate further.

"Winner, it is really nice to see someone who isn't a complete failure sometimes... I'm sorry to tell you that all your good efforts to take Babe here have been wasted by an idiot... maybe I should choose my workers more carefully" Tony said while moving a dagger around.

"Escaped!? How is that possible?" Winner asked pretending to be surprised. Tony nodded and stood up, he patted his shoulder and said:

"Yes, incompetence is all around me. The worst part is that your well thought plan can't be used again. I suppose that Babe won't risk again and he will stay in Pete's house for now. I can't ask anyone to get there unless I want to cause a scandal that will destroy the empire I created piece by piece... but you will help me, right?"

"Of course, sir, just give me some time and I will find another way to take Babe back here. How did that happen though?" Winner asked.

"Why don't you tell me?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"What do you mean sir? How could I know?" Winner started to realize the fatal mistake in his plan. Tony chuckled a little, he turned the laptop that was on his desk and pressed the play button. The whole scene in the basement played in front of Winner's eyes. How could he forget the security camera? Before he could say something, he felt two bodyguards grab his arms and tie him to a chair.

"Sir! I swear! It isn't what it looks like! The trigger didn't work! I had to buy time!" Winner shouted.

"Oh, yes... yes... you see, I was wrong when I said that incompetent people surround me, I forgot to mention traitors! Because that's what you are, Winner... a filthy traitor... but don't worry, I always get what I want in the end, and my enemies always pay a high price for their opposition" Tony commented as he observed his dagger more closely.

"Sir... please... give me a chance..."

"Poor Winner... you should see your pathetic face right now" Tony replied. Then he grabbed his chin and moved his head left and right, before forcing him to look at him straight in the eyes.

"My dear Winner... my poor little boy... you have a nice face you know? I'm sure that someone as annoying as you can only use his beauty to attract people... such a nice face..." Tony said as he pressed the dagger on Winner's cheek, although he wasn't pressing enough to pierce through the skin yet. 

Pit Babe: Speed of Love (PeteWay, KentaKim, WinnerDean)Where stories live. Discover now