Chapter 41

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After that exchange, Dean looked away and left, closing the door behind him. He didn't leave the facility though, he waited in the corridor, hearing Winner getting angrier and angrier, until he shut the door of a bathroom stall as loudly as he could. When he finally calmed down, Winner walked to the door that led to the corridor, he was about to put his right foot outside when the door suddenly closed again, hitting him so hard in the face that he fell unconscious.

"Sorry love" Dean whispered as he opened the door again. He got past him and locked Winner in one of the stalls. He knew that Winner had the key of Babe's room, he picked it and climbed out of the stall, so that it would stay locked. He silently walked down the corridor, went downstairs and finally reached the basement.

Dean hid behind a corner, waiting for Babe to see him. A few minutes went by, then Babe finally spotted him. The racer was about to yell at him, but Dean signaled him to stay silent and showed the keys. Babe was reluctant, why would the same person that made his kidnapping possible, help him escape? Dean pointed at the guard that was sitting far from him. Babe understood that he had to make him come closer to his room, so that Dean could attack him from behind.

"Hey, I'm thirsty" Babe shouted.

"Should I care?" the guard responded as he continued playing with his phone. Babe had to do a few more attempts before Tony's henchman finally stood up to walk to Babe's door.

"What the fuck do yo-" and he was interrupted as Dean pushed him so hard against the wall making the guard faint. He quickly used the key to open the door, but as soon as he managed to do so, he heard the noise of someone loading a gun.

"You asshole..." Winner said, pointing the gun at Dean, who was still quite distant from him.

"You woke up earlier than expected..." Dean responded with a grin.

"I was willing to give you anything... and this is what I get in return? A betrayal?" Winner yelled.

"Winner..." Dean said softly as he got closer and closer to the gun, until he could feel the cold barrel against his throat. Winner's hand started trembling while Babe managed to get closer and closer to the exit the more Winner hesitated.

"Pull the trigger, come on..." Dean said.

"Don't challenge me..."

"Why shouldn't I? You said that you loved me, and I can now tell you that I love you too... do you really want to kill the only person that admits to love you?"

"There are tons of people lining up to be my partner" Winner responded arrogantly.

"If that's so, then why don't you shoot me?" Dean added. Winner pushed Dean away and then quickly shot at Babe, but since he had no time to aim, he missed him. Babe started running, he turned back for a moment and saw that Dean was still alive, but he couldn't know what would have been of him.

"Get out" Winner said.

"What?" Dean asked confused.

"I said get out... if Tony knows that you helped Babe escape..." Winner added as he pushed Dean out of the door. 

Pit Babe: Speed of Love (PeteWay, KentaKim, WinnerDean)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя