Chapter 7

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Pete immediately typed Way's phone number, but as it started ringing, he realized that the phone was in Way's room. After that first failed attempt, Pete called Alan. While he was waiting for him to pick up, he went to the balcony, looked downwards and noticed that Way's car wasn't in the parking lot. Two were the possible scenarios that went to Pete's mind: Way didn't have access to his car because it was still at the garage, or someone took the vehicle back to Way's home and now the racer could be anywhere.

"Alan, I'm at Way's house and I found a farewell letter here. Did he leave his car at the garage?" Pete asked trying his best to remain calm. He could feel the rapid change of emotions that was occurring to Alan at the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Sonic was supposed to take it back to Way's house but he forgot. Do you think that he could have..."

"Don't think about that, Alan, we could still have time to stop him. Call the others and let's look for him. We need a plan. Where could he go?" after Pete's last question, Alan told him that he really didn't know, but that he was going to send a message to all the members of the team to work on the case before it was too late.

Charlie had just arrived at the café when the notification of a message made his phone ring. He didn't even have the time to pick it, that Jeff, who was waiting for him at a table, grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the café.

"What's going on?" Charlie asked confused.

"Pete found a letter from Way and informed Alan. They think that he could commit suicide. We have to go" Jeff said as he got to the driver seat. Charlie sat down and finally managed to take the phone. He looked at the group chat and saw how everyone was getting ready to look for their friend.

"Is this related to..."

"Yes, I saw something and this could be it. Write in the group chat, ask them if there is a bridge that could mean something to Way or that it is close to his house" Jeff interrupted him, he didn't even look at Charlie, he just started the engine and got ready to get the vehicle on the road.

"A bridge?" Charlie asked while he was typing what Jeff asked him to do.

"Exactly, a bridge. I saw Way on the external side of a railing on a bridge at night. What else could that mean, huh? Did anyone respond?" Jeff continued worried. It was at that moment that Babe provided the location, it was a bridge near their favorite little restaurant.

Way was about to put the right foot on the first iron rod of the railing when he heard the noise of a car stopping right behind him. He heard the car door opening and the distinct sound of hard shoes hitting the ground at a moderate pace. The shadow caused by that person walking in front of the car lights became closer and closer.

"Hello Way, I suggest you step off that thing, perhaps you want to listen to my offer before taking the last decision of your life, right?" Kenta asked.

"What do you want?"

"I want nothing, I'm not in the position to do anything like that. My boss wants something though, and he's made a very generous offer"

"If Tony thinks he can buy me with his filthy money..." Way added.

"Money? Who talked about money?" 

Pit Babe: Speed of Love (PeteWay, KentaKim, WinnerDean)Where stories live. Discover now