Chapter 23

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Morana's pov (6 years ago)

The air crackled with tension as I clung to Ivor, my heart pounding in my chest. His arms wrapped around me, a futile attempt to shield me from the storm that raged within me. Tears streamed down my face, my throat tight with a sob I couldn't release. Ivor's voice cut through the silence, "Hey. Talk to me, Lyla. What happened?" But all I could manage was a shake of my head.

Slowly, I pulled away from him, the weight of guilt and shame pulling me down. Would he hate me for what happened to Kara? He had to understand. Ivor told me he loved me. Yes, if anyone would understand, it would be him. My words stumbled and faltered as I tried to explain. "I...I w-was out in the woods a-and...Ka-kara was with me...They ki-ki..."

His eyes, once filled with concern, locked on mine, wide and wild as he looked at me. Actually looked at me. Shock—pure shock flashed across his features and he stumbled back a step.

"What have you done to yourself?" Ivor's voice cracked with disbelief, the words hanging in the air like a bitter accusation. I shook my head again, my hands trembling as I tried to find the right words as sobs wracked my body. "N-no y-y-you don't understand. K-kara is-is g-gone. And th-they t-t-touched me. I...please you have to understand."

He whispered, "You're one of them."

"You don't understand!" I pleaded, my voice breaking as I reached out to him. But he pushed me away, the rejection like a physical blow. "You're a monster, Lyla."

"Please. I-Ivor. You told me you loved me." I cried, "You promised to be there for me. Always. And I-I really really need you right now."

He shook his head, disdain marring his face. "Who could love a beast like you?"

A sob tore from my mouth. Too much. This was all too much. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't—

In the blink of an eye, Ivor surged forward, closing the distance before I could muster a response. I felt the rush of air as the axe swung toward me, a weapon wielded by the one person I never expected to harm me. Panic gripped me, and instinctively, I flung out that thing that lived within me, a surge of energy that formed an invisible barrier between us. The axe hovered in mid-air, inches from my trembling form.

Ivor's movements ceased, a profound stillness enveloping him, as he beheld the newfound power I wielded—a lethal force under my control. The boy I loved recoiled from me as if repulsed by my very presence.

"You were going to kill me?" I asked, my voice heavy with a mix of sorrow and anger.

As he backed away, I felt the power within me surge once more, a tempest waiting to be unleashed. It beckoned to me, sang to me, asking for me to release it. To tear his mortal body to pieces. To hear his screams as it tore into him. A deafening roar echoed within my mind, coursing through my veins with an intensity that scorched through my skin.

Step by step, Ivor retreated, in an attempt to distance himself from me. It was clear—he feared me. Feared the beast I had become. This only served to amplify the grip of that power, tightening its hold on me. So I let it flow.

"Lyla. Wh-what are you doing?"

Scarlet tendrils of chaos danced through the air like fiery ribbons. The atmosphere shivered and the ground beneath my feet quivered. Branches waltzed in defiance of gravity, attuned with the dissonant symphony of my heart. And then it lunged towards where Ivor stood, trembling at the show I had put on.

But it could strike, a wall of flame erupted, enveloping Ivor in a protective shield. The sudden burst of heat and light drew my attention away from him.

I turned to see a figure emerging from a swirling portal. A man of crimson allure, his long red hair flowed like autumn left ablaze. Amber eyes, window to a fiery soul, captivated with an ancient wisdom. His pale skin, a canvas for secrets, bore the ethereal glow of moonlight. A fae.

The fae merely said to me, cold and bored, "Let's go Morana."

"Wh-who are you?" I stuttered.

He scowled, "My name is Eris Vanserra. Now quit blubbering like a whiny infant and move your feet before I drag you by your hair with me."


hey guys,

I am here with a new book called The Chalice of Nightmares.

It is set in the tog universe, it takes place between The Empire of Storms and Kingdom of Ash and it is a Lorcan fanfiction.

Please go check it out!

Also my exams are FINALLY over! Yay!

Love y'all! Byeeeee

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