Chapter 15

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Lyla's pov (6 years ago)

The rustling leaves beneath my feet created an eerie symphony, accompanied by the distant hoots of nocturnal creatures. I hadn't even realised when I had fallen asleep, my sisters must be worried, Nesta would certainly bite my head off for traipsing through the forest without telling them first. As I navigated the winding path, the only sounds were the whispering leaves and the distant murmur of a stream. Kara's words still echoed in my ears, it made my heart pang. We don't fight, we never fight. It's all right, I'll just apologise and it will be okay.

Suddenly, the tranquillity shattered like fragile glass. A guttural scream pierced the air, tearing through the night and sending shivers down my spine. My heart pounded, and instinct kicked in as I raced toward the source of the cry. Panic and fear clawed at me, but the adrenaline rushing through my blood urged me forward. The forest seemed to close in around me as I sprinted, each step taking me closer to the source of the disturbance. The echo of the scream led me to a small clearing, and there, bathed in moonlight, was a scene that froze the blood in my veins. Kara was pinned against a gnarled tree by a figure. The figure's eyes travelled from Kara's feet to her head, and he frowned, "You are not her." His features were sharp and ethereal, his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. It was no ordinary man, as if his arched ears weren't indication enough, his presence radiated power and danger. A fae.

"No! Let her go!" I shouted, my voice breaking through the silence like a desperate plea.The fae man turned toward me, a cruel smirk playing on his lips. My breath caught as I saw the stinging expression in Kara's eyes. Horror and despair clawed at my insides, threatening to consume me. Before I could react, the fae warrior, with a swift motion, snapped Kara's neck. A strangled cry escaped my lips, a mix of sorrow and rage. He turned towards me, the viciousness in his gaze sending a chill down my spine. With a sinister grace, he advanced, drawing an arrow from a quiver on his back. Without hesitation, he drew the arrow back and released it, the deadly tip aimed at my heart. Panic surged within me, and I raised my arms in a futile attempt to shield myself.

The world around me seemed to pause as something shifted inside me. I heard a crack as an unexpected light coursed through my veins. The arrow that should have found its mark was halted mid-air, the magical force field protecting me. I stared at my trembling hands in disbelief, confusion clouding my thoughts. The fae man, momentarily stunned, eyed me with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "What...?" he muttered under his breath.

Before he could recover, I seized the opportunity to escape. My legs carried me away from the horrific scene, every step fueled by fear and adrenaline. My mind raced, trying to make sense of the supernatural force that had shielded me. I thought of everything, the stars, the honeydew eyes but not her, not of her lifeless body lying there in the dirt. I stumbled over uneven ground, leaves crunching beneath my feet, and the chilling howls of the wind echoed my frantic breaths. A hidden root or a wayward branch snagged my foot, and I went sprawling to the forest floor. Pain shot through my body, but I scrambled to my feet, driven by an overpowering need to survive. As I looked up, dread flooded my senses.

The fae man stood before me, an unsettling calm in his eyes. Before I could react, he grabbed a fistful of my hair, yanking me backwards until my back collided with a tree. I gasped, the sharp pain in my scalp forcing tears to well in my eyes.

"What protected you?" he hissed, his grip tightening on my hair. The metallic tang of blood lingered in the air, a reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded moments ago. "I don't know what you're talking about," I stammered, my voice barely audible as I fought back sobs.

The fae man leaned in, his eyes narrowing as he studied my face. His voice was a sinister whisper, sending shivers down my spine. He stilled and his nostrils flared "Morana," he said too softly, and confusion twisted my features. "I have been looking for you for a very long time, princess."

My breath caught in my throat, and I stared at him with wide-eyed disbelief. "Morana? That's not..." I protested, the words catching in my throat.

He chuckled a dark and menacing sound that seemed to reverberate through the forest. "It's a shame I had to kill your pretty friend. Your scent was entwined with hers. It appears that I was mistaken."

Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to make sense of the surreal situation. "Why are y-you doing this? Wh-why?"

The fae man's expression hardened, and he pulled me closer, his icy breath brushing against my cheek. "You are his weakness. His heir."

Desperation clawed at me, and I tried to break free from his grasp, but his hold only tightened. "I-I can't be the person you're looking for. Pl-please, let me go."

He paused, his gaze searching mine. A moment of uncertainty flickered across his features, but then he shook his head as if dismissing any doubts. "Embrace your fate, Morana. Your realm awaits your awakening."

Before I could comprehend his words, he raised a hand, a strange energy emanating from his fingertips. A blinding light enveloped me, and my surroundings blurred into darkness as I succumbed to unconsciousness.

A Court of Shadows and Chaos (Azriel fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن