Chapter 10

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Unknown pov (2 years ago)

They closed in.


Minutes blurred.


Heartbeats blurred.


Questions blurred.


Was it day?

Golden hair. Blue eyes ringed with gold. Fire


Was it night?

Win-red hair. Freckles. Starborn.


Everything blurred but the burn.


Everything burned.


And she screamed.


Azriel's pov

The air in the Illyrian mountains hung heavy with an eerie stillness as Amren began to weave the intricate spell to contact Lanthys. She said something about the Ley lines intersecting at this point that provided a good source to draw from. The atmosphere crackled with a strange energy, and I exchanged a glance with Rhysand, who stood beside me. He watched with a mix of curiosity and caution, his violet eyes assessing every nuance of the spell. Feyre held herself with regal composure, her gaze fixed on Amren's weaving magic. Nesta, her expression unreadable, held her ground with a steely determination that bordered on defiance. We were about to open a line to a god who had met his end at Nesta's hands, and the tension was perceptible. Mor and Cassian had begrudgingly agreed to stay back in Velaris despite their numerous protests. Cassian had outright refused but even he had fallen short against his mate's unyielding steel. With everything that happened the last time Cassian and Lanthys clashed, I did not blame her.

Amren's voice resonated with power as she chanted ancient words, and the air shimmered with ethereal energy. The mountains seemed to respond to the magic, echoing with distant rumbles. I could not shake the feeling that we were meddling with forces far beyond our control. But desperate times called for desperate measures.

Nesta's gaze flickered to mine, and I saw a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. She had killed Lanthys. Now, we sought answers from the dead god, hoping he would provide information about Narben, the ancient and deadly sword that had become a looming threat.

My shadows danced on the periphery, as we sought to breach the veil between our realm and the afterlife. The air crackled with anticipation, and I could not shake the feeling that meddling with the forces that governed life and death was a dangerous game.

As Amren's incantations reached a crescendo, a sudden chill swept through the air, and the stones beneath us seemed to vibrate with otherworldly energy. A dark mist materialised. It contorted, shrinking and writhing and then it became solid, blooming with colour. A finely dressed, golden-haired male stood before us. He was of average height, his golden skin sculpted with muscle, his sharp-boned face simmering with hate. Lanthys stood there, a spectral figure with an aura of power that sent shivers down my spine. His eyes, filled with disdain, fixed on Nesta. "I wondered when you and I would meet again, Queen of Queens. It's a shame you didn't bring your bastard pet along."

The timbre and iciness of that voice made my very blood bristle with hoarfrost. But Nesta's face crinkled with rage as she said, "Mighty words coming from someone whose last line of defense against me was a sex dream."

Lanthys seethed, "Ludicrous witch. You may have killed me. But are you prepared for what's to come? Who is to come?"

He knows

He knows her

She held his stare, knowing silver flames flickered in her own. But before Nesta could say anything, Lanthys spoke once more, "How long are your little friends going to stand around like a pack of vermin? I assume there is a reason for this little spell."

Amren gulped, "Lanthys, we seek information about Narben and the person who wields it. A threat endangers our world, and we need your knowledge."

Lanthys regarded us with a detached air, his gaze settling on Nesta again. "The mortal who took my life seeks knowledge from the dead. How amusing."

Nesta squared her shoulders, a defiant glint in her eyes. "I seek answers, not your amusement."

He chuckled, a sound that echoed through the mountains like distant thunder. "Ask your questions, Witch of Oorid. But be warned, the answers you seek may bring more than you can bear."

As Amren began to ask about Narben, my attention was drawn to the archaic and cadaverous sword. Legends spoke of its malevolence, and I couldn't shake the feeling that its existence threatened the delicate balance of our world. I glanced at Nesta, whose jaw was set with perseverance.

"Lanthys," Amren pressed, "tell us about Narben. Who beholds it now?"

His eyes seemed to glow with a savage gleam, "The sword feeds on the life force of its victims, growing stronger with each soul it consumes."

I could feel the weight of the information settling around us. The gravity of the threat posed by Narben hung heavy in the air. Amren pressed for more details, her questions aimed at unravelling the mystery of the person wielding the cursed blade.

"Narben has found a new master," Lanthys spoke, his voice echoing through the mountains. "A being who walks the line between worlds shrouded in darkness. The one who wields Narben is a creature capable of mass destruction."

Silver-tounged liar

"Tell us who wields Narben," Rhys demanded.

Lanthys smirked, "Set me free and I will."

There is more to the story than meets the eye

His words mean nothing

Nesta narrowed her eyes. "Your demands hold no power here. We control this connection."

Lanthys chuckled, the sound sending shivers down my spine. "Do you think your pesky little friend can control the spirit realm, Death? You are but a puppet dancing on the strings of fate."

Suddenly, the air grew heavier, and the mountain winds howled louder. Lanthys's form wavered, and his eyes glowed with an intensity that made my hands tremble. My shadows grew erractic, wanting to get away from this place, expeditiously.

"This is a mistake," Rhys muttered, his wings tensing.

But it was too late. Lanthys's malevolence surged, and the connection slipped from Amren's control. The spell turned volatile, and I could feel the danger escalating. My Siphons flared as I unsheathed Truth-Teller.

"Close the connection, Amren!" Rhys shouted, his eyes wide with alarm.

Amren struggled, but Lanthys's power overwhelmed her. The spirit realm bled into our reality, and shadows twisted around us like living entities. Nesta and I moved into a defensive stance, our respective weapons at the ready.

The mountain winds roared, and Lanthys's laughter echoed through the peaks. "You thought you could control the darkness? Foolish mortals. Now, you shall face the consequences."

Feyre's eyes flashed with determination. "We need to close the connection. Now."

The world around us warped as the spirit realm invaded. Rhys and Nesta fought against the encroaching shadows, but Lanthys's power was relentless. I moved to protect Amren, who was visibly struggling to regain control. Spells clashed, wings unfurled, and blades sliced through the shadows. It became a battle to reclaim control over the spell gone awry. Amid the turmoil, I locked eyes with Lanthys. His cruel grin widened, and he stepped into our world.

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