Chapter 5

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Azriel's pov

The city of Aslesa sprawled before me, a labyrinth of twisting alleys and towering structures that seemed to reach for the heavens. The ambient hum of activity filled the air as merchants peddled their wares, and laughter intermingled with the distant echoes of clinking metal from the bustling market. Yet, within this vibrant tapestry, the elusive presence of Lyla remained as ephemeral as a fleeting dream.

As Shadowsinger, I navigated the crowded streets with a stealth born of years spent moving through the shadows. My wings, draped in hues of twilight, concealed me in the shifting play of light and darkness. The whispers of the city surrounded me.

The rumours that led me to Aslesa spoke of a girl with Feyre's features, a sister lost to the tides of fate. Every alley explored, every informant consulted, revealed nothing but dead ends. It was as if Lyla had dissolved into the very air of the city, leaving no trace of her presence.

I paused on a cobblestone bridge that spanned a canal, the reflections of lanterns shimmering in the water below. The city's energy pulsed around me, a symphony of life that contrasted sharply with the hollow ache of failure. Lyla remained an elusive spectre that defied my every effort.

The crowded marketplace beckoned, a kaleidoscope of faces and voices that hinted at the diversity hidden within Aslesa's heart. I moved with purpose, questioning those who might have seen a glimpse of a girl with hair and eyes that echoed the depths of the night. Yet, each interaction ended in frustration, the threads of information slipping through my grasp like sand.

I found myself in a quiet square adorned with intricately carved statues, their stony gazes indifferent to the turmoil within me. The weight of disappointment settled heavily on my shoulders, a burden I carried for Feyre, whose hopes hung in the balance. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the city in the soft hues of twilight, and my thoughts mirrored the fading light.

In the solitude of that square, I closed my eyes, reaching out to the shadows in a final plea for guidance. The city held its breath, and the echoes of unanswered questions reverberated in the silence. Lyla, elusive as ever, remained hidden within the folds of Aslesa's secrets. Yet, as Shadowsinger, I couldn't concede defeat. The city may have kept its secrets for now, but the dance with shadows persisted, and the elusive truth awaited its moment to unfold.

Lyla is not the one you need to find shadowsinger

It had been a week since I began looking for the fourth Archeron sister. All of my sources were incapable of finding her. Nor could my shadows. It was as though she was a ghost. Or dead. I shook myself internally. I could not think like that.

The darkness drowns her

Her chaos withers

My shadows had been unnaturally silent since my meeting with Feyre, Rhys and Elain. They hardly ever whispered in my ears, and when they did all they said was a bunch of nonsensical gibberish I couldn't comprehend. They even refused to listen to me whenever I asked them for information. I felt as helpless as I did when I first discovered them. Sighing, I abandoned my seat and headed towards the windows overlooking Velaris. Stone spires, adorned with intricate carvings, reached skyward, merging seamlessly with the celestial canvas. Streets wound through districts, each vibrant with hues. Starlight Plaza hummed with life, a central hub for enchantment and celebration. I had permanently shifted into my apartment. Cassian and Nesta spend most of their time holed up in a room or at the dining table. I needed some peace.

The air was no longer filled with the hushed whispers of shadows, just dead silence. I watched the bustling streets filled with numerous fae, the people of Velaris were a harmonious blend of creativity, magic and blend. They had recovered splendidly from the aftermath of the war, yet they still had a long way to go. We all did.

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