"Seriously?!" Roman was facing the final block between him and retrieving his car: an elderly man named Vinny Stewart who owned the good-for-nothing auto shop.

Vinny shrugged. "Hey, I don't make the rules, kid."

Roman scoffed. "Except, you do make the rules because this is your shop."

"Oh yeah!" Vinny patronized, "I forgot! The answer's still no, kid." He continued to file away different bills and taxes on the shelves behind the desk.

"Come on!" Roman exasperated, "I've paid all you're stupid fines and everything! Just give me my car back."

"Can't do that without proof of ownership, and an up-to-date registration." The old man told him.

Roman ripped his fingers through his hair. "I've already told you, both of those things are inside the vehicle."

The bell rang behind Roman, announcing the arrival of a customer. "Hey, Uncle Vinny!" The one person that could've possibly made the day worse walked up beside Roman. She lifted the gate and stepped behind the desk, followed by her floppy hound dog. "I brought you your sandwich."

"Ah! Thanks!" Vinny took it. "Mister Daley, this is my niece, Margo Jameson. I'm her biological father's brother... if that makes sense."

"Yeah." Roman shrugged. "Looks like the hardheadedness runs in the family..."

Margo snorted and looked him over. "Shut up, would you?" She then turned to Vinny, "Is there a problem?" He heard her ask in a low whisper.

"Nah." Vinny waved her off. "This young man here just wants his car back without proof that it's his car."

Margo sighed with consideration. Her eyes shifted from her uncle to Roman. "It's his, Uncle Vin." Was she really helping him?

Vinny blew air from his cheeks as he turned to the cork board on the wall and scanned the numerous sets of keys hanging from nails, screws, and pins until he located Roman's. It was personalized with a mini fabric old-timey detective's hat as well as a flint and steel keychain.

"Thanks." Roman held his hand out and let Vinny drop it into his grasp. "See? Wasn't so hard, was it?"

"Don't push it." Margo warned.

"You two know each other?" Vinny asked.

Roman shrugged. "We've met."

"He's the detective that tried to arrest me this morning, remember, Uncle Vinny?" Margo chimed in a sweet, innocent voice.

"He's also the detective you're gonna take in the back to get his car." Luckily, the 'Uncle Vinny' guy didn't seem like he could care any less for Margo's dramatics.

Margo groaned and rolled her eyes. "Come on, New York, let's go." She opened the gate, allowing Roman behind the counter. Margo's dog was a sharp contrast in his reaction to Roman's presence. He stood and stretched with a low howl before slinking towards him with a wagging tail.

"Who's a good boy?" Roman couldn't help himself. He just could not keep from kneeling to the ground and playing to the dog's request for pets.

"His name's Coke if you're wondering." Vinny said.

On the bone-shaped nametag was the dog's name. Engraved in chipped and dirtied silver lettering against a red backdrop.

"Hey, you coming or not?" Margo jingled Roman's keys in front of his face.

"Wh—" He stood and immediately searched his pockets. An amused smile tugged at the corners of Margo's mouth. "How did you—"

"Aww... I'm sorry." She pouted mockingly. "I forgot I was supposed to not be a threat."

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