Chapter 11: The Hybrids

Start from the beginning

Uh...Her nose wrinkled as she slipped the bag into her pocket. "Thanks, but I don't know if I'll be feeding any creepy crawlies for a while now." Not when I was almost devoured by them.

Pavel shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, your decision. I need to head back with the others and continue planning for the celebration."


"Yes, the celebration of union. It's the festival each race hosts when they accept the new king." Pavel glanced at his watch. Something flickered across his gaze. "I need to get going."

"Wait, Pavel!" She grabbed his arm. "Please, take me to Ursus."


"I know something is wrong." She gripped her chest. "I can feel it. It's like a sinking pit in my stomach and it won't stop till I know he's ok." Pavel's jaw clenched. Confliction flickered across his gaze. "Please," she begged.

"Alright." He sighed. "But you have to promise not to freak out."

Eileen nodded. I'm coming, Ursus. Following Pavel out the room, they headed up to a second floor building. Entering the small hut, a gasp left her lips. Ursus layed in bed. His skin was pale and his eyes were unnaturally still. Even his chest didn't seem to move. Was he even breathing?

Her heart dropped. "Ursus!" She rushed to his side. "Ursus, Ursus, wake up!" Her gaze snapped to Pavel. "What's wrong with him?"

"As of right now, nothing." Pavel pulled up the screen. "His vitals are normal. He's some kind of stasis."

"Stasis?" Eileen stressed.

"Yes, and you freaking out is going to make it worse."

Sure enough, his heart rate started to increase. Eileen's eyes snapped close. Calm down, Eileen. Calm down. With a deep inhale in, she blew it right back out. "What's going on, Pavel?"

He frowned. "I'm not sure how accurate it is but it's been thought that bonds were known to unlock our true abilities. The idea of our bond being in trouble brings out the body's true speed, strength, and more."

"So you're saying when Ursus was in the cave to protect me, he activated his true strength?"

"Yes, but unfortunately those actions have consequences. The more you push the body, the harder it is to recover." Pavel frowned. "If Ursus were to push his body twenty four-seven then his muscles could tear as a result. His joints could break and his connective tissue would wear over time, making it easier for them to dislocate. This could affect his whole body causing gut, nerves, even spinal damage."

"So," Eileen hesitated. "What should we do?" Pavel sighed. "I have an answer but neither of you are going to like it." Approaching, he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Right now though, it's important that you both get rest." He squeezed it reassuringly. "Why don't you go check out the decorations? I'll let you know if something happens ok?" Knowing that was all she could do, Eileen reluctantly stepped back.


New, brighter flowers were being weaved into the roofs and vines around the homes and branched. Children raced by, decorated in them.

Wait, is their skin glowing too?

"Adorable huh?" A woman walked up to her. Green eyes glowed with warmth. "While every child starts out with a green glow, their colors shift and become unique to them as they age." Her eyes softened. "They say those that are fully bonded have the brightest glow among them all."

"So all Quies have glowing skin?"

"Yep." She smiled. "It dulls as they get older, but it's still beautiful during the moonless nights. You want to see?"

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