Chapter 8: Lumanora

Start from the beginning

"It was." She gestured to the others. "The prince and his misfit entourage came down in a crashing hovercraft." Misfits? Eileen's eyes narrowed. Who was she calling misfits?

"Etta," her father scolded. "Mind your tongue."

Etta lowered her head at his scolding. Stepping forward, Pavel bowed. "Leader Anito, I have heard about your infection problems and want to help. If you're willing to, I would like this challenge to prove that I am a capable leader that respects your way of life."

Green eyes glowing, Anito nodded. "Very well. Help us clear the infection, and we'll stand by you as king of Lyria and head of council. Etta, can you lead the others to their rooms? I would like for the prince and I to discuss plans."

"Very well." With another bow, Etta turned to them. "Follow me." Making their way back down the levels, Eileen glanced at Donovan. His hand rubbed at his eyes with a slight clenched jaw. As if sensing her gaze, they snapped toward her. Distrust and something else flickered across his gaze.

What are you hiding, Donovan?

"And here is your room." Stepping into the room, Eileen's jaw dropped. The glowing flowers from the ceiling illuminated the room like ceiling fans. Vines and moss created vivid details along the walls while wooden furniture grew glowing life. Even now dragonflies rested along their windows while the bed sheets were quilted flower petals.

The door clicked shut behind them, announcing their alone presence. She watched Ursus make his way to their bed. As he sat down, his head tilted slightly. "I can feel your emotions shifting." He frowned. "What are you thinking so hard about?"

Too many things. Her jaw clenched. Ursus, probably sensing her confliction, was up and pulling her into his arms. He nuzzled her neck, causing the tension to ease from her body. "You can tell me."

Eileen sighed. "Well, there's Donovan." She shook her head. "I can't help but think he's hiding something."

"Or, maybe he just doesn't want to get squirted in the eye with water." She glared mockingly up at him. "I would have been gentle." Ursus simply hummed in agreement. Moving closer, he buried his face into her neck. Her breath hitched at the burst of warmth. "What are you really thinking about, love?" His warm breath tickled her skin. "I know you have something more pressing on your mind."

Swallowing, she looked down at her hands. "Can you tell me about the bond?"

Ursus paused. For a minute, she feared he would pull away. Instead, he grabbed her hand and led her over to their bed. He pulled her down beside him. "What do you want to know?"

"Well, Pavel said the hybrids lost the ability to bond ages ago." Ursus nodded. "Yeah, between the hybrids being forbidden and the laws against mixing, it wasn't long before bonds were stressed to the point of shattering with many. Full bonds became rare."

"A full bond?" Eileen questioned.

"A full bond is close to your human equivalent of marriage, except it's more personal."

Eileen squeezed his hand. "And how can we become fully bonded?"

"It's not that easy, I'm afraid." Leaning forward, his forehead pressed against hers. Closing her eyes, Eileen sighed at the sense of warmth that washed over her. Any tension from the journey fell away. "To be fully bonded, we would need to share intimacy."

Intimacy? Heat blushed across her face. "Like sex?" But we had sex plenty of times.

Ursus coughed. "No," Red tinted his ears. "Not like sex." He cleared his throat. "Intimacy isn't just sex, love. It can mean different things to different people. Some people are more emotionally intimate while others are more physically intimate. It all depends on what the person struggles the most with. Each bond is unique and that's why full bonds are so rare but special."

He pressed a soft kiss against her cheek. "Some couples never become bonded but as long as you're by my side, I don't care either way." He pressed another kiss to her cheek then her neck. Eileen leaned into his touch. Her breath hitched as he cupped her chin. His lips brushed against hers in a silent question. She answered the question with a kiss. Warmth bloomed across her chest as the kisses deepened, sending her into a desire she never thought possible.

Her back was pressed against the bed as his lips continued to cover every inch of her skin. A moan left her lips as her hands reached up. Her hands pulled at his shirt, revealing his chest that her fingers traced over before reaching and tugging his pants. Desire darkened his eyes, as his lips trailed down her neck. His hands dipped underneath. Her body shuddered as his hands pulled her free of the clothing.

As their kisses turned into a dance of passion under the glowing flowers, Eileen found herself wishing that the two of them could stay in this place forever. Away from the hurt and danger that threatened to swallow them whole and away from the fears of survival that creep across her mind.

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