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The following nights Fourth decided it would be best to sleep in the same bed as Gemini lest they end up falling asleep on the couch every night. The couch was comfortable, but it wasn’t as efficient as a bed, and they would probably end up with backaches if they continued. Gemini was very happy about that decision.

Fourth started working again in his home office, mostly consultations and minor cases. His partners were great lawyers who kept the ship running in his absence. On the days he would be in his office working, Gemini would either be reading or watching TV. Fourth had put parental control on the TV, forbidden Gemini from using his phone or any use of the Internet. He doesn’t know if what he was doing was right, but he was trying his best to protect Gemini.

On some days, Gemini would be in his studio playing on his guitar or piano. Fourth figured he was writing a song or maybe playing his old ones or maybe doing covers.

In the evenings Fourth would cook while Gemini hovered around him rambling about a book he was reading, a new show he was watching on Netflix (which was probably an old show) and Fourth would listen happily moving around the kitchen, humming here and there to show he was listening.

On some days, when Fourth would finish early, Gemini would read to him while they snuggled together on the couch. Fourth knows Gemini was clingy, but these days, Gemini was extra clingy. The sort of clingy he would become when he was anxious about something. When Fourth would ask him about it, Gemini would just wave him off and say it was nothing he just wanted to make new memories to replace the ones he had lost.

Fourth's heart hurt because he knew try as he might, Gemini would have nothing to remember of the last 10 years of them because they weren't together. So, whatever he was trying so hard to remember didn't exist.

Gemini did get his memories back, but most of them revolved around Fourth. Like the one time they fought because Gemini forgot their second year wedding anniversary and spent the whole night at the studio while Fourth waited for him after preparing a candlelight dinner. Gemini had apologised over and over again even though Fourth tried to reassure him that it was okay.

"I promise to remember every important date and never make you wait." Gemini had said, placing a gentle kiss on the back of Fourth's hand.

The other memory had been when Fourth had surprised him at his first ever solo concert in Japan. It was shortly after Fourth had quit the industry. Gemini had been so happy that day.

"You always been the best husband. Fot. I want you to know that I will treasure you for the rest of my life." Gemini had said to him, pulling him into a warm, tight embrace.

The doctors believe that somehow Fourth's presence and whatever he was doing was triggering Gemini's memories, and maybe if he was exposed gradually to a few more people, it would help. So, one weekend, Gemini's parents came for a visit, but Gemini remembered nothing his parents told him except the stories that somehow had Fourth in it. Like the one time Gemini went with his mother to buy Fourth an apology gift after one of their fights or the other one where his dad sat him down and gave him a lesson about compromise when it comes to marriage.

After Gemini's parents left, Fourth could see that Gemini had changed. He became sad but would always brighten up when he sees Fourth. He didn't stop being clingy, insisting that they have every meal together. He even insisted on cuddle time an hour before dinner.

"It will help you unwind from all the day's work stress. I read somewhere that cuddling is good for your health." Gemini had said. And how could Fourth refuse him anything? It was Gemini, after all. The love of his life. His zhiyin.

One afternoon, when Fourth finished work early, he decided maybe they could read together. Gemini was getting into Chinese literature these days and would tell Fourth all about everything he read.

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