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Gemini and Fourth had been divorced for 10 years now. In hindsight Fourth should have expected it to happen. They got married so young, at the tender age of 21 shortly after Thailand approved of same-sex marriages. They were madly in love and at that point they had truly believed that love was all it took to make their marriage work.

Their marriage lasted only two years before they realised that they wanted different things in life. Fourth wanted to settle down and start a family, he had told Gemini that as soon as he got his degree he would find a good job and quit the entertainment industry as a whole. Gemini on the other hand wanted to pursue his music career, he wanted to tour the world performing to all his adoring fans.

The first year they had convinced themselves that they could make it work. Fourth would act like an anchor for Gemini, he would be his home for whenever Gemini was not touring. They thought they could make it work. In their second year of marriage when Fourth slowly started pulling himself off from the entertainment industry, Gemini's career skyrocketed. Gemini was hardly ever home, he would forget birthdays and anniversaries, and later try to compensate by buying Fourth ridiculously expensive gifts that Fourth didn't need or even want.

What Fourth had always wanted was Gemini. Yet the world had more of his husband than he did.

So after careful consideration, after many arguments and mind-altering make up sex. Fourth took a decision to end things with Gemini. Their marriage was holding on by a thread, they hardly saw each other and whenever they would talk they would tip-toe around each other. This isn't the type of marriage he wanted, this isn't the life he wanted for himself.

Fourth knew divorcing Gemini was going to hurt but it hurt more when Gemini didn't even try to fight to save their marriage. It was as if Gemini was also considering the same thing, like he knew that their marriage wasn't working out anymore.

The first year after the divorce was probably the hardest for Fourth. Everywhere he went he saw Gemini, on the TV screen, on social media, on billboards and just about everywhere he could look.

Some days it would get so bad that he wanted to go back to Gemini and beg him to take him back, tell him that he was willing to make whatever sacrifices just to keep him in his life. However he squashed those thoughts away knowing that even if Gemini took him back their relationship would be a miserable one. He rather endure this hurt, the type of hurt where he lost Gemini while he still loved him than to lose Gemini when they hated each other because he knew. He knew if they had stayed together they would have eventually resented each other.

Fourth was still famous in some ways, he had over 10 million followers on IG and a million others on his other social media platforms. So when he finally opened up his law firm it became really successful, partly due to his fame and the other because he was a damn good lawyer.

Even though he wasn't part of the entertainment world anymore he was still able to maintain his friendships with his GMMTV bros. It was awkward at first and he could tell the guys were walking on eggshells around him because they were also friends with Gemini. However as years passed they managed to be comfortable around him and probably Gemini.

He had kept tabs on Gemini the first few years after their divorce and if Fourth was prevailing in cooperate law, Gemini was doing exceptionally well in the entertainment world. He had released multiple successful albums, and Fourth owned every copy and acted in several successful movies and series' which Fourth also watched. It was a bittersweet thing to see Gemini achieve his dreams. Fourth was and will always be proud of him.

They never kept in touch after the divorce, it was for the best really. Gemini was like cocaine to him, if he had kept in touch he would've gone back to him like an addict he would have gone back to him despite how destructive their relationship had become.

Fourth bought himself a house in a secluded section in the mountains of Chaing Mai. It was a beautiful house, with an amazing view of the mountain scape away from the bustling loudness of the city. He had two cats now, which were practically like his children.

Five or six years after their divorce, Gemini had started dating again. A pretty model there or a pretty actress there. Fourth guesses that is to be expected right? Gemini was a gorgeous man who was extremely talented so it made sense, but that didn't mean it hurt any less. His family and friends encouraged him to date again.

"Put yourself out there." Mark had said to him once.

But Fourth didn't want to subject anyone to a half-hearted relationship because he truly believed there was no one he could love and care for as much as he had done with Gemini.

"Ahaha... P'Mark you know I am married to my job. Besides running a law firm and taking care of my two babies keep me too busy I barely have time." Fourth had replied.

"They are literally cats Fot!" Mark had deadpanned.

Fourth had laughed it off and that had been that. His mother was worried about him as well, although she didn't outright confront him about it but merely hinted here and there about him needing someone to take care of him. At least his father just let him be, his father probably knew he was still hung up on Gemini. His father knew him best after all. His sister on the other hand tried setting him up on several dates until she gave up.

"You are hopeless P'Fourth!" She had whined after Fourth stood up another date set up.

Fourth was fine really. He was content with his life and he was trying to make do with what he had. It wasn't the life he had dreamed off but it was the life he was happy with. Even if he had stayed with Gemini in the entertainment industry, he wouldn't have been happy. Their lives would have been microanalysed and they wouldn't have truly had privacy to enjoy their lives.

So maybe Fourth had given his heart away to someone who was never truly meant to be his but he was okay with it and in all honesty he didn't regret it. The years he had spent loving Gemini and being loved him were some of the best years of his life and for that he wouldn't trade it for anything.

He had heard rumours about Gemini getting engaged and strangely he felt relief, and perhaps felt happy for Gemini. Afterall all he had ever wanted was for Gemini to be happy.

So imagine his surprise when he received a phone call from Gemini's mother at 10pm in the evening on a Saturday to please come to Bangkok's hospital which was an 8 hour drive at best and a 2 hour flight away. He knew it had to be something serious because he hadn't been in contact with Mae Ning for the past five or six years.

After the phone call with Mae Ning, he immediately booked a flight to Bangkok wondering what the hell was going on.

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