Chapter Nine

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Rosé's POV

"Jesus, that's the place she picked? Lord help me." I grumbled to myself as I saw y/n's text come through about where we were going to have dinner tonight. It was a smaller place that honestly has the total opposite appeal I like restaurants to have. The place she picked seemed like it was a rather rowdy place, so I just hope to god there are private eating rooms in the back.

relationship killer: there
are rooms in the back so
ur high maintenance ass
self can live happily !

Me: i won't be happy as
long as ur there with me

relationship killer: good.

relationship killer: i don't
want u to be happy anyway

Me: but u literally
fucking said that right
before my last text
u fucking idiot

relationship killer: i thought
u understood sarcasm in texts,
but ig 3rd grade level reading
comprehension skills can
only get u so far in life

"Deep breaths, Rosie, deep breaths." I told myself as I looked at myself in the vanity mirror, my fists clenching up and my jaw tightening. Y/n can truly get under my skin like no other and god does she just infuriate me.

After some deep breaths to calm myself down more, I went back to applying my eyeshadow. I made sure to blend it out evenly and touch up my eyelashes with some mascara. I didn't focus too much on the bottom half of my face as I'll be wearing a mask when we're outside. Plus y/n doesn't deserve to see me look that good because she doesn't deserve that kind of effort from me.

So simple lipgloss will do.

I smacked my lips lightly and used my pinky to wipe away a tiny bit of lipgloss that had gotten on my skin right under my bottom lip. I was done with my makeup now, so I texted my manager that I would be down in a few minutes as I had to get my purse and shoes on.

I was wearing loose blue jeans and a simple grey sweater, nothing too fancy since the restaurant clearly isn't super fancy. I was hoping for some nicer food tonight, but of course y/n let me down. My eyes drifted over to my one fuzzy forest green winter hat that was resting on my dresser, so I quickly grabbed that before exiting my bedroom.

Hankie trotted alongside me as he knew I was leaving to go somewhere. I had already taken him out before I started to get ready, so he would be all good until I got back. I pet him and played with him a little as I got my white sneakers on. I kissed Hankie goodbye before leaving my apartment with my purse in my hand.

Soon enough my driver was driving me to the restaurant and my manager was talking about god knows what. I've learned to just hum every so often whenever he talks. He's quite boring, I must admit. He just talks about topics I know nothing about or do not care about in the slightest.

I sighed as the girls were texting me, wishing me luck on the second public "date" y/n and I were going to go on. I thanked them and told them how much I already wanted to kill y/n over the restaurant choice. The girls found it amusing that we were going to be eating at a restaurant I would never normally choose. Of course they like my suffering.

My eyes looked out the van window when it stopped and I looked at the glowing neon light sign. I sighed deeply and my eyes drifted down to the entrance to see if it was crowded on a Friday night. My eyes widened as there was definitely a crowd, but I also saw y/n and her manager standing off to the side of the entrance. She was wearing blue jeans as well, along with black hoodie that had a skeleton hand holding a bouquet of dead flowers on it. She had the simple black beanie she wore last time we went out, and she also had her black mask on.

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