Chapter Eight

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Rosé's POV

I anxiously tapped my fingers on my legs as my eyes kept darting over to the door that led into my apartment as I'm awaiting someone's arrival. Whenever my eyes weren't on the door waiting to hear a knock, they were glued to my phone looking at the time.

I'm wearing a nice pair of blue jeans and a flattering light pink top. My hair was straight and flowing down my back as I feared I would mess up any other hair style. I don't need to look stupid in front of them. My heart already races enough just being around them, so I don't need it to go any faster out of embarrassment.

Ever since she got me the bouquet of flowers that are still in a vase in my bedroom, my mind, body, and soul just want us to be together. We both know we like one another, so I'm hoping tonight we can finally become official.

We're going to order out for dinner and have it delivered here as we don't want to go out in public at all. I'm totally fine with staying in as at least I have familiar surroundings around me, which will calm me down a bit.

As I was lost in thought, my eyes snapped over to my apartment door as a soft knock echoed into my ears from it. I quickly stood up and reminded myself not to run to the door because they would definitely hear me do that and that is the last thing I need.

So I just did a speed walk to the door, taking a deep breath in and letting it out before opening it up and smiling widely at the sight before me.

There was Suzy with a bright grin on her face and a beautiful bouquet of lavenders. I don't know how she got them since it is early February, but they smell amazing already.

"Hi, come in!" I said cheerfully as I stepped aside, my heart skipping a few beats as she walked into my apartment and took off her shoes.

The next thing I knew, a light kiss was pressed to my cheek, making my face immediately heat up. Suzy let out a small giggle before handing me to bouquet of lavenders,

"A beautiful bouquet for a beautiful woman." She told me as I shyly thanked her before rushing away to get a new vase to put the bouquet in. I honestly also wanted to get away because I needed my face to not be as hot as lava right now. I don't even want to know how red my cheeks are right now.

I found a glass vase that was tall enough for the bouquet, so I quickly filled it up with water. I heard gentle footsteps approaching the kitchen, so I turned my head to see Suzy making her way over to me,

"What are we going to order for dinner?" She asked me as I threw out a suggestion,

"What about that one ramen place over by the new movie theater that opened up?" Suzy hummed and nodded her head,

"I'm good with that. I've been meaning to try that place out, so I'm excited to try it with you, Chae." She replied to me as I turned the water off and moved a few flowers around before smiling and setting it down on the counter,

"I think it looks perfect in that vase."

"Of course it does, you picked it out." Suzy told me with a cheesy smile, making me blush yet again. She laughed at my reaction and reached down to hold my hand, lacing our fingers together as we both walked into my living room to sit down on the couch. Hankie stayed put on his dog bed as he was more entertained with his bone than Suzy which I was fine with because I had all her attention then.

I kept hold of her hand and mindlessly caressed the back of her hand with my thumb as we both decided what to watch before placing our dinner order.

"I've heard 'Love Island' is good, would you want to watch that?" Suzy asked me as I nodded my head,

"Sure, I'm okay with that." I told her as she clicked the show and stayed on the details screen as I pulled my phone out to get the menu up for the restaurant.

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