I mean, makes sense considering she's an idol at YG Entertainment.

I ignored the call and let it go to voicemail, but I groaned loudly when Rosé decided to call again. I pressed the button on my steering wheel to answer the call,

"Didn't I just fucking say I'm busy?! Are you deaf, stupid, or both?" I frustratingly said as I made a right turn to get onto the street where the HYBE building resides.

"I know damn well I'm smarter than your ass! And you fucking hung up on me without letting me get another damn word out! I was going to ask if we could do something tomorrow!" Rosé's voice loudly stated through my car speakers.

"I'm sure the secondary school dropout is smarter than me," I sarcastically said as I continued, "sure, whatever. Tomorrow, text me the details because, say it with me now, 'I'm busy'." I finished, overly pronouncing "I'm busy" just to piss the blonde off.

"Oh, you're going to get a fucking earful from me tomorrow. I hope a piano falls on you wherever you're going."

"Only saying things that basically strictly happen in cartoons. I think that showcases your intellectual level pretty well–" I didn't even need to finish my sentence as I smiled triumphantly when the sound of the call ending happened.

I finally arrived at HYBE and went to my parking spot in the back lot where the idols park. I hopped out and made my way inside, exchanging pleasantries with whoever I happened to walk by as I walked through the various hallways.

The large room where the photoshoot will take place is on the second floor of the building, so I decided to take the stairs up there this morning instead of the elevator. I started to skip a few steps here and there, which led to me almost tripping up them, but I swiftly looked around and no one saw me.

I stopped skipping stairs after that.

My eyes saw many people going in and out of one studio room, so I had a hunch that was the room I needed to go to down the hallway. My feet carried me to the room and I headed in, seeing multiple small sets with the different aesthetics I envisioned.

"Y/n! Come on, let's get you into makeup real quick and then into your first outfit!" My makeup artist Gem said as my eyes darted over to her. She's 30, so she's still young and we're close enough in age to have an almost sibling-like relationship. I smiled at her and followed her into the area where the makeup vanity was set up, along with a few racks of outfits for me.

"Well good morning to you as well. Someone seems eager and excited to do this today." I commented as Gem gave me a smile as I sat down in the chair,

"I am. I always love doing shoots with you because they're different from every other shoot that the idols here do."

"I'm taking that as a compliment." I said with a chuckle as Gem let out a laugh as she made sure my hair was completely out of my face,

"It is a compliment!" She replied as she got to work doing my makeup to fit the first aesthetic.

Some other staff came over to me while I was getting my makeup done to run things by me like lighting and any last minute details they thought would be good to add to the various sets. It was a good atmosphere and it was great seeing the finishing touches come together for the sets.

"How are things with the relationship?" Gem asked me as my eyes flickered to hers in the vanity mirror.

I knew I had to lie to her. The contract said no one was allowed to know the PR relationship with Rosé was a PR one because someone could spill that information. Of course I still told the guys though because they understand everything and know what would happen if they spoke about the relationship to anyone else. But everyone else needs to believe this damn PR relationship is real.

Tied To You (Rosé x G!P Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now