Chapter 48

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When I come home from work Jamie is no where to be found.

"Oh hi Eleanor." Leisa greets me. I smile at her and place my bags down.

"Leisa where's Jamie?" I ask her.

"Oh he went out with some friends." She says and hands me a piece of paper. On the paper is the address Jamie is going to be at.

"Thanks." I say smiling. She nods and I grab my purse again.

"Tyler can you drive me to this place?" I ask walking to his office. He nods and grabs his tuxedo jacket and his house keys.

We both walk to my car and I hand him my keys before getting in the passenger seat.

I grab my eyeglasses since I couldn't see at night when it's dark.

When we arrive at the address it ends up being a house. Tyler and I walk up to the door and Tyler knocks.

"Hi, hey your Eleanor Carmen! You guys Eleanor Carmen is at my doorstep!" A girl says opening the door.

"I'm guessing your here for Jamie? Ya come in." She says motioning me in.

Tyler and I walk in and look through the big crowd for Jamie. We look everywhere but couldn't find Jamie.

"You know what let's get he can come home when he wants to." I say. Tyler nods and we walk out the door.

"So your giving up on him, your not going to find him?" The girl says.

Tyler and I both stop in our tracks and turn around to face the girl.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Lizzy." She says.

"Okay Lizzy do you have a boyfriend?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and I take a step towards her.

"Do you have a child?" I ask her.

She shakes her head and then everyone starts pilling out the house to see what's going on.

"Do you know me?" I ask.

She shakes her head and I nod.

"Okay then you don't know a single bit of what's going on between Jamie and I." I yell.

"Miss. Carmen." Tyler says. "Actually I do he told me!" She yells back.

"But you wouldn't understand any of it!" I yell.

"Do you have siblings?" I ask.

She nods her head and I nod.

"Are they alive?" I ask.

"Of course they are." She says smiling.

"Well mine died this year actually, one just died a week ago. So you don't understand, no one does." I say and turn to Tyler.

"Yes Tyler." I say. "Eleanor stop!" Someone yells in the crowd. I turn to the crowd and Julian stands there.

Julian walks to Tyler and whispers something in Tyler's ear.

Tyler nods and I look at them confused.

"Nothing I just wanted to look cool like I was up to something." Julian says shrugging at me.

"I swear your the weirdest adult I know." I say laughing.

"But Jamie left two hours ago." Lizzy says. I nod and look at Tyler.

"But I do understand I always understand." She says.

"The people who understand are the people who are in the problem." I say and get in the car.

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