Chapter 23

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For now on I will be adding a photo of each person in this story so you have a clear image of what they look like. Now of course that is Jamie Dornan as himself in this story.

I freeze and Jake looks at me concern. "Um let her in." I say. Jake nods and turns around quickly to go get Andrea.

A few seconds later Andrea enters and Alex is standing there by her side holding her hand. "Andrea." I say serious. "Eleanor." She says and looks me dead in the eyes. "So why the sudden visit?" I ask concern.

"I was in the neighborhood." She says quietly. "Really?" I ask and take a seat on the couch. "Yes." Andrea says. Jamie looks at me and I pat the spot next to me and he takes a seat. "Your still mad I take it." Andrea says. "Yup." I say nodding at her.

"Why what did I do wrong?" Andrea asks. "A lot and I didn't notice you did that much until now." I say shaking my head. "So your not going to forgive me?" She asks. "By the look on your face I'm going to say no." She adds. "Correct." I say and look at Alex.

"How are you El?" Alex asks. "Fine." I say and look back at Andrea. "How about you?" I ask. "Great." Alex says. I nod and put my head down in the palm of my hands.

"Why did you really come here Andrea?" I ask. "I want your forgiveness." She says. I laugh a real one despise of my non laughing moment. "Why should I do that?" I ask. "Because we are family!" She says. "Well as the many wrong things you've done you told me in fifth grade we really aren't family." I say and shrug. "Come on Eleanor!" Andrea shouts.

"Yell one more time and I swear your out." I say. "No Eleanor you uptight serious businesswomen who gets whatever they want whenever they want you listen to me! For almost my whole life I had to listen to you chat and chat about your plans for the future and your life! You never asked what were my goals ever! And if I started to talk about them you would change the subject. Always. Also when I asked you for a job at your office you said no due to my no skills in writing or even being a assistant! You! It's always about you every damn second of the day!" Andrea yells.

I look at her and raise my eyebrows. "First, why should I have to hire you? When you never studied in writing? You wouldn't know a thing. Plus I already have assistants, a lot actually. Yes I can be uptight and serious but I got far with it okay! It's never been about me because when you went to collage and you didn't have enough money for your dorm so I paid every since bill. Also I paid for you books. I'm selfish? When I asked you if I can borrow one piece of line paper one day at home you said no and made up a lie saying your ran out yet that exact same day you pulled out nine pieces of paper. So get the fuck out of my house right now Andrea! You turned your back on not just James but me too, and I knew you were going to do it in the beginning." I say and finally breath.

Andrea lifts her hand and I feel the light stingy plain on my cheek. I hold onto it and look at Andrea. Jamie jumps up from the couch and walks to Andrea. "I need you to leave this house right now Andrea." Jamie says stern. "You can't make me you dick. Why don't you help your girlfriend, and go get the frozen peas since you give her everything she wants. Right?" Andrea says. I lift my hand from my cheek and reach to Andrea and slap her. "I need you to get the hell out of my house Andrea right now! And don't you dare talk to Jamie like that again! Before I start turning on Alex like that!" I scream.

Jake runs into the room and I nod at him and he looks at Andrea and Alex. Tyler rushes in and throws Andrea on his shoulder and Jake gets alex.

I glare at them as they leave the room and everyone stares at me silently. "I'm going to get some ice." I say quietly before walking into the kitchen.

I open he freezer and grab some ice and put it into a ziplock bag. I place it on my cheek and Jamie walks in. He frowns at me and I shake my head. "I'm okay trust me." I say and Jamie walks towards me. He pulls me into his chest and I breath in his Calvin Klein cologne.

We walk back to the living room and everyone frowns. I smile warmly at them before collapsing onto the couch. I place the ice down and I look at Jamie.

"I have to leave in one hour to Seattle." I say. "Okay why?" Jamie asks. "I have to talk to the office over there and I don't want to leave tomorrow morning. If you guys can you can come with us." I say. "Us?" Jamie asks. "Oh ya Brooklyn, Jake, and me." I say. "Ya I'll go." Jamie says. "Same." Rita says. I nod and they go upstairs to pack.

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