Chapter 15

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We land in the city of love, and it's already beautiful. "I have a house here so we won't need a hotel." Jamie says thankful. "Okay." I say. Jamie's security guards grab our bags and Jamie takes my hand leading me to the rental car he rented.

"So how long are we staying here?" I ask Jamie as he drives. "A week or more if you want." Jamie says. I smile and keep my eyes glued out the window. "It's so beautiful." I say. "Yeah, but first stop is the Norte Dame Cathedral." Jamie says. "You know your history." I say widening my eyes. "Nope it was in your library top 10 places to visit in Paris." Jamie says smiling. "You read my notes?" I ask worried. "No it was a book mark in one of your books called The Looks Of It." Jamie says. I nod and he parks the car.

We get inside and it's beautiful. Glass stained windows and very tall like I expected. We probably look like ants compared to this large building. But it's beautiful one of the most beautiful art I've ever seen. "You like?" Jamie asks. "Very." I say still in surprised. "I'm glad but we have another stop." Jamie says. I smile and we walk outside to the car.

We get to another art site Arc De Triomphe. "Of course you knew." I say to Jamie looking up at the beautiful site that I've always wanted to see in real life yet I'm standing right in front of it with the boy I'm mad at yet madly in love with. I smile and take his hand. "We have more to go, this is just the beginning." Jamie says smiling and kissing my cheek. I smile at him then walk back to the car.

At the end of the day we visit one more place which was the Centre Georges Pompidou. Which I must say was really cool.

We get to Jamie's house and it's small but decent. "So how did you like it today?" Jamie asks. "It was different to go and enjoy attractions I've been dying to see for my whole life yet never had the time to." I say smiling. "How about you?" I ask. "A lot of walking but id do anything for you." Jamie says. I smile and shake my head looking down. "Everyone says that." I say. "But I mean it Eleanor." Jamie says grabbing my hand. I nod and look at him. "I'm gonna take a shower." I say before turning around and walking to the bathroom.

After a long period of time I finally turned on the shower and got it to work fine with the type of water I like. Hot but not too hot.

I get out of the shower and find Jamie's room and look through my luggage to find something warm to sleep in. Once I achieved it and quickly changed and walked downstairs where Jamie is laying down on the couch watch French tv. "Now please tell me you actually know how to speak French." I say laughing. "No I do not. Why do you?" Jamie asks. I nod and laugh at his curiousness and slept up his feet before sitting down and placing them on my lap.

"Say something then, you know in French." Jamie says. I look at him funny, is he really being childish right now? I ask my self. "Votre mon tout et je te aime." I say smirking. "What does that mean?" Jamie asks. "It means your my everything and I love you." I say smiling. Jamie smiles and sits up. He pats his leg and I place my head on his leg. He plays with my hair slowly making me fall into deep sleep.

I wake up the next morning and Jamie smiles at me from the chair besides the bed. "Good morning." Jamie says cheerful. "Good morning early bird." I say laughing. "Come on get up let's eat." Jamie says laughing. "The early bird gets the worm." Jamie says. "I don't want no worm! And I'm not a bird." I say covering my face with the pillow. Jamie laughs and shakes his head joining me on the bed making me fall right back to sleep.

I wake up at 12 pm and Jamie is still asleep, surprisingly. I walk downstairs and see that Sofia is here. I widen my eyes surprised that she came and sit down on the living room couch. I take out Jamie's laptop and sign in my email account to check my emails of course. Work is going good and slow my sub says. I don't reply back to any emails and log out and close the laptop.

Jamie walks downstairs in just his boxers and I smile. "Good morning." I say. "Good morning." Jamie says leaning down to kiss me. "Breakfast?" Jamie asks. "Oh Sofia is here so I think she cooked something." I say. Jamie nods and we walk into the kitchen.

Turns out Sofia cooked bacon, eggs, and waffles. We thank her and start eating. "A half a waffle, one bite of a piece of bacon, and three bites of eggs fill you up?" Jamie asks pointing at my still filled plate. I nod and pass my plate to Sofia. Jamie frowns and looks at me. "Go and get change we're gonna leave soon." Jamie says. I nod and walk upstairs.

I change into a oversized beige sweater, skinny jeans, and black pumps. I do my makeup and leave my hair in it's natural straight way. I walk downstairs and Jamie is dressed in a light blue collared shirt and jeans. He smiles at me and grabs the rental car keys and my hand. I grab my purse from Sofia then walk out to his car.

We visit a lot of tourist attractions by that I mean a lot. But the best one was the Love Bridge. Where we buy a lock and write our names on it with sharpie and lock it on the bridge. It's like a promise that we will always be together forever. Yet something inside me feels like this time he won't make any mistakes and I won't either.

We get back to his house around 10 and my phone is blowing up. "We have to go now." I say to Jamie. "Why?" Jamie asks. "James is in the hospital." I say quickly throwing everything in my luggage. Jamie grabs my shoulders and looks me deep in the eyes. "Calm down, my security guards will get our stuff, come on let's get going." Jamie says. I quickly nod and wipe my eyes. I didn't even know I was crying, that's how worried I was.

* I know this was a short chapter I just wanted to quickly update for you guys. Please vote for this story and comment what you guys like and don't like!*

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