Chapter 38

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In this picture is Eleanor's hairstyle.

I widen my eyes at the sight of Jamie in front of me. "Nothing." I quickly lie. "Okay well, I'm going out with my family right now if you want to go." Jamie says.

"Okay let me get changed." I say and smile before walking up to my room.

I open my luggage that labels my pants. I pick one of my black skinny jeans, then open my shirt luggage bag and grab a white shirt.

I also take out a beige blazer and beige pumps. I quickly take a shower and get dressed. I do my makeup in the quickest way as possible then brush out my hair.

Once I finish I meet Jamie downstairs and he smiles at me before taking my hand. He grabs his keys of the hook and I grab mine.

"Today most of my family will be there." Jamie says keeping his eyes focused on the road. "Okay." I say and pull out my phone. "My step mom likes you, you know that right? My biological mom would like you too." Jamie says. I nod and unlock my phone.

"Why are you so quiet?" Jamie asks. "Nothing." I say and look out the window. "Don't you dare lie to me Eleanor." Jamie says sternly.

I roll my eyes as the parks the car and he shakes his head at me. "Let's go." Jamie says and gets out the car. Usually Jamie would have opened my door for me but instead he walks to the front door of someone's house.

I follow him and he rings the doorbell. A few seconds later a young girl opens the door. "Jamie! How are you? Haven't been calling your sister lately." She says scolding Jamie. Jamie smiles and leans in for a big hug.

"Eleanor this is my biological sister Jessica. Jessica this is my girlfriend Eleanor." Jamie says. I smile at her and she brings me into a hug. "Wait I thought Natalie and Tori were your sisters." I say to Jamie. "Step sisters." Jamie says. I nod and Jamie leads me inside.

"Look who's here!" Jessica yells. Everyone stops talking and looks deadly at me. Jamie grabs my hand and his smile fades. "Jamie how are you?" Someone says walking up to Jamie. "Good how are you?" Jamie asks. The girl smiles and Jamie smiles back at me.

"Liesa this is my girlfriend Eleanor, Eleanor this is my biological sister Liesa." Jamie says smiling. I smile and hug her.

"Your that one writer." She says. I smile and nod. "Ya I love your books." She says smiling. "Thank you." I say smiling. She nods and I smile at Jamie.

"Okay let's greet the rest of the family." Jamie says. We walk towards Natalie and Tori and they both smile at us. "Hi Eleanor." They both say and give me a tight hug then give Jamie one.

"Where's Nancy and dad?" Jamie asks. "Oh they aren't coming." Tori says. "Why not?" Jamie asks. "I don't know I think a business thing." Natalie says. Jamie nods and we walk towards the living room.

"Oh Jamie!" A girl screams behind us. We both turn around an met a blonde girl. "Oh shit." Jamie whispers under his breath.

"Leilani. How are you?" Jamie asks giving her a side hug. "Great how are you?" She asks looking at Jamie with heart eyes. "Good." Jamie says smiling. "Oh sorry this is my girlfriend Eleanor, Eleanor this is Leilani." Jamie says. I smile and shake her hand and she looks at me in disgust.

"What do you do for living? Drive a garbage truck?" Leilani asks. "Oh no I'm a CEO." I say. Leilani widens her eyes and stays quiet. Jamie laughs and I hold mine in. "Oh." Is all she says. "What about you?" I ask. "I am a barista." She says embarrassed. I nod and Jamie elbows me.

I shrug to him and she smiles. "Well nice to see you Jamie and nice to meet you Eleanor." She says and walks away. "Who's that?" I ask turning to Jamie. "A girl who likes me, well loves me. She's been having a thing for me ever since kindergarten." Jamie says. I nod and we continue to walk around and say hi to everyone.

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