Chapter 6

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Sadly our flight got moved to tomorrow morning but I am also glad that Jamie and I don't have to spend our anniversary on a plane.

I wake up the next morning and smile. Today marks one month I've been with Jamie. I notice he isn't in bed and then notice his shoes are gone and coat. I climb out of bed quickly and run downstairs worried. Jamie stands in the middle of the dining room with a tray of breakfast. "I was trying to be romantic." He says. I smiles and laugh quietly. "Trying?" I ask. He nods and I smile brighter. "You already are Jamie." I say and kiss him. "Happy one month." I whisper. Jamie smiled and sets the tray down on the table beside us and puts his hands on my waist. "Happy one month beautiful." He says and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. He kisses me again then slides the chair open for me to sit. I sit down and he joins me. "So you have work today?" Jamie asks. "No I can work from my study." I say smiling. Jamie nods and I turn to Jake who walks in. "Um Miss. Carmen, your sister left a note about your dance." Jake says handing me a piece of paper. I thank him and read it to Jamie.

Dear my fellow dancers,
I seem to notice you haven't started? Well it's in two weeks and how many songs are you doing? Jamie needs to learn quickly. You know better Eleanor! Well don't break a leg this time. You know I love you but please get ready for the dance! I have your outfits already so don't worry! Love you. Both.

Jamie laughs and I roll my eyes. "I think we can wait one day." I say to Jamie. Jamie smiles and laughs at how unorganized I am being right now. "Reasons why I love my Eleanor." Jamie says. I smile and continue to eat my breakfast. Oh how I love this boy.

When I finish Jamie cleans up the empty dishes. "Thank you." I say and lean up to kiss him. Jamie smiles and walks to our bedroom. He now has his own part of my closet. I follow him into our closet and he stands there looking at his clothes from a distance. "I'm going out for something's." Jamie says. I nod and I walk to my part of the closet and pick out my jeans and a white shirt. I change quickly and Jamie smirks at me through the mirror we have in the closet. I laugh and he smiles. "I'm going to be in my study while you go." I say. Jamie nods and kisses me before I walk out.

I walk to my study but I am stopped by Luke. "Hi Luke." I say smiling. "Hi El." he says smiling. "Oh, I am moving back into my house tomorrow. But thank you for letting me staying here I really appreciate it." Luke says. I smile and nod. "Your welcome." I say. I walk into my study and get to work.

An hour later Jamie walks in with two bags. I tilt my head and point at the chair in front of my desk. "So demanding." Jamie says, smiling. I smile and he places the bags on my desk. I stare at him still wondering what is packed in them. "Go ahead open them." He says smiling. I smile and open the first one. Inside it is a charm bracelet, with charms. One of them is a camera recorder, another one is two hands together, and a coffee mug. I smile at him and lean over my desk to kiss him. "No, not yet." he says. I roll my eyes and sit back down. I open what's in the next bag and it's a picture frame with us in it. The picture was when we first met. Behind the frame is a card that reads:

There once was a boy, who met a girl. He thought she was beautiful. But not when she was all fancied up, because to him she was already perfect. He enjoyed her hair when she just woke up, and it's shattered around her face, or the mornings when she'd laugh in bed early in the morning when they would talk about old memories, even though they just met they had a lot already. When she wasn't trying to impress anyone because she could be herself in front of him. That's what he liked about her. No loved. That's what he loved about her.

The funny part is, I just summed up my feelings for you. Happy Anniversary princess.

I smile and look at Jamie. "You are like the Prince Charming but in real life. I am glad to say your mine." I say and stand from my chair and walk to Jamie. I hug him tight then kiss him. "I love you." I whisper to him. "I love you." He says and kisses me again.

"So we have to go practice for your sisters thing?" Jamie asks. "Well we can wait tomorrow but if you want to do it now then ya we can." I say. Jamie nods and I smile. I walk to my closet and take out my athletic black bra, black shorts and my old ballet shoes. I quickly change and throw on my black nike jacket. I grab my brothers old dance shoes that will fit Jamie and walk out the door. "Where do you think your going dressed like that?" Jamie asks pulling me close. "To my dance room downstairs." I say laughing. Jamie smiles and rolls his eyes. "Okay good." He says and smiles again. I hand him the shoes and pants I also got for him. He smiles and we walk to the room downstairs.

Jamie is fully changed and is smirking at me. "What?" I ask laughing. He shakes his head and smiles at me. "So first dance we will learn is Love Is Strange, it's simple but it's the hardest so we will do it first." I say. Jamie nods and I smile bright. I place him where he's suppose to stand. "Okay you don't have to worry about it there will be tape on the floor of where we're suppose to stand. Also we are not doing the full song so you don't have to worry about that either, but just relax." I say to Jamie and place my hands on his shoulder. He smiles and nods.

An hour later Jamie learned the whole dance, he really can catch on fast. I get a text message from Andrea and groan. "She wants us to dance to Love Me Like You Do from your movie instead of I've Had The Time Of My Life." I say to Jamie. Jamie nods and I throw my phone onto my bag. "So which one did you want to learn first? Love Me Like You Do or You're The One I Want?" I ask. "It's doesn't matter." Jamie says smiling. I nod and insert my Grease soundtrack CD into the CD player. You're The One I Want starts to fill the room and Jamie smiles.

Two hours later we finish and I sigh. "You catch on fast for a boy who doesn't know how to dance." I say laughing. Jamie smiles and kisses my forehead. "Only for you." he says. I smile and we walk upstairs. "Aw Luke just left you missed it." Rita says. I frown and Jamie pulls me close to him. "I am taking Eleanor on a date." Jamie announces. I laugh and walk to our room. I take out his gift that's hidden under our bed. I hand it to Jamie and he frowns. "I thought you promised no gifts for me." He says. "Jamie it's something small don't worry." I say laughing. Jamie rolls his eyes and open the small package. It reveals a watch and a neckless. The neckless says the date we got together and three hearts. He smiles and brings me close to his chest. "I love it." He says and kisses me. "But not more than I love you." Jamie says. I smile and hug him tighter.

I change into a white maxi skirt, a maroon colored long sleeve crop top, and black pumps. Jamie walks me down the stairs, scared I'm going to fall. I smile at how protective he's being today. Shawn greets us at the elevator and hands Jamie his car keys. Jamie thanks him and we step into the elevator.

We stop at a fancy restaurant in Hollywood. Jamie helps me out the car and guides me to the door. They instantly sit us at a table in a private room. Jamie pulls out my chair for me to sit then pushes it in. I smile and thank him. He orders water and a bottle of wine for us then orders food. Which is suppose to be a surprise for me.

Jamie pours wine into my wine glass and I thank him. "So where are we going first tomorrow?" Jamie asks. "Um Las Vegas." I say. Jamie nods and stares at me for a long period of time. "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Did you know that?" Jamie says. I blush and look down. "Now I do." I say shyly then look back at him. "So about your fears. Tell me more about them." Jamie says. "Well, I have a fear of being touched, where I was hurt most when I was kid." I say. "And where would that be?" Jamie asked. "My wrist and ankle." I say quietly. "That's why you wear long sleeves and those leggings when you wear your skirts?" Jamie asked. "Ya they used to pull me so hard I'd get marks. Then I started cutting which made my fear worst." I say more quietly. Jamie frowns and grabs my hand facing it up. He slips my sleeve carefully up, which reveals my scars from cutting and the marks they gave me. Jamie frowns and leans down to kiss them all. "Your beautiful Eleanor." Jamie whispers. I smile and he puts the sleeves back down.

The food comes and spaghetti. I smile at Jamie's good choice and he smiles his shy smile. "I have another present for you." I say and lean down to grab my purse. I take out a small can bottle and hand it to Jamie. He smiles and takes off the wrapping paper. The bottle reads "100 reasons why I love you." Jamie smiles and looks at me. "You came up with 100 reasons?" Jamie asks. "Ya." I say smiling. Jamie smiles and leans towards me. "I think that's smart, cute, and cheesy." Jamie says. I smile and he licks my nose. I laugh and he smirks. "You just kicked my nose." I say laughing. Jamie smiles and leans back in his chair. "Even though I rather be licking something else." He whispers. "Where did all this dirty talk come from?" I ask laughing. Jamie smiles and begins to eat. I smile as I stare at my handsome boyfriend that I really don't deserve yet he says I do.

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