Chapter 32

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In the picture is Leo who is played by Patrick Dempsey.

I wake up the next morning and get up. I walk to my bathroom and take a shower. I blow dry my hair and curl it.

Once I finish on my hair and makeup and walk to my outfit I put out last night. I change into jeans, a white shirt, and a grey zip up hoodie.

I slip into my white converse, and walk to Julie's room to wake her up. I'm happy to find her awake and already dressed.

I walk across to Brooklyn's room and he is already dressed. "Good morning." I say before walking back to my room.

I call Jake and Tyler to grab our bags and take them down to the car.

I grab a cup of coffee and join everyone outside by the car. Tyler and Jake pack everything in the car and everyone try's to find in the back seats as Jake and Tyler sit in the passenger and driver seat.

When we get to my airport, and the plane is gladly waiting for us.

We all climb the steps and pick our seats of where we are going to sit. The pilot introduces herself before returning to her station.


When we land we all hurry out and grab our things.

"Brooklyn I'll be dropping you off home now." I say to him when we get into my car. Brooklyn nods and climbs into the backseat and Julie sits in the front.

We all drive off to Brooklyn's house in a awkward silence. "I'm going into work today if you would like to go and take a tour of the office." I say to Brooklyn. "Okay I'll ask my dad." Brooklyn says. I nod and smile at him before stopping in his driveway.

Brooklyn hugs Julie a goodbye then gets his bags out the trunk. He thanks me then goes into his house.

"I'll be dropping you off now." I say to Julie. She nods and I drive off to her house.

When I get home Jake and Tyler get all my bags out the trunk and carry them upstairs to my house.

"I'll be going to work today so you guys can do whatever you want." I say to Jake and Tyler. "Thank you." They both say.

I walk upstairs to my room and decide to change into my grey pencil skirt, a white long sleeve collared shirt, a grey blazer, and black high heels. I leave my hair in its curly form I put it in this morning.

I grab my purse and my car keys and drive off to the office I miss being at.

When I get there Amanda greets me and hands me a cup of coffee.

"So what's been going on?" I ask Amanda. "Well, today we we'll have the top best authors on our One Direction book today. Also Miss. Johnson will be visiting today." Amanda says and hands me a stack of papers.

"I just saw her yesterday." I say. Amanda shrugs and hands me more stacks of papers before walking to my office door and opening the door.

I thank her and throw all the papers on my desk. I look through all the manuscripts and yawn in boredom.

When I finish I get a call from Amanda telling me that Dakota is on her way to my office.

I put the rest of the manuscripts away in my files then email the authors back telling them what I thought.

Dakota enters the room right when I finish. "Oh my god! Eleanor your getting married!" Dakota screams running into my office.

"I'll plan everything, the dresses, flowers, food, location, just everything!" Dakota yells and jumps on me making me stumble back a few steps.

"Dakota what are you talking about I'm not getting married." I say laughing at her dumb joke. "Ha ya you are. Jamie just told the news. He said he was getting married." Dakota says smiling.

My laugh fades away and my heart drops. You know that feeling when you have a zoo of butterflies in your stomach when that special person is around you but then they break you and it feels like all those butterflies died? Ya that's exactly how I feel.

"Dakota he's getting married to my sister." I whisper. "Well we dragged him down here for nothing." Dakota says and turns around to face Rita and Jamie with a bandana around his eyes and earplugs on.

My bottom lip start to shake and Dakota already knows what's happening.

"I'm done with this dragging crap." Jamie says before removing his earplugs and bandana.

"Who's crying?" Jamie asks wiping his eyes, then opens them to face my tears.

Jamie stays silent and watches me as I scream and let out my tears. "I want him out of this office!" I scream through my tears. "He hurt me!" I scream again.

"Wait!" I say and lean against my table as the room starts to spin. "Dakota. I'm spinning, your spinning. I'm-"


I wake up to a beeping sound, that sounds much like a heart monitor. I move my fingers lightly to feel hands in both of my hands.

I stir my eyes trying to open my eye lids and surprising open them, to the bright lights, of a plain hospital room.

I look to my left to find Leo, Damian, and Isaac. Isaac is sitting in a chair starring at me and holding my hand.

I look to my right and see Jamie, Dakota, Rita, my Mom, Dad, Andrea, and Alex. Jamie sits in the hospital chair holding my hand and fast asleep.

I flinch at the view of him in my hospital room holding my hand. "Calm down Eleanor." Rita says trying to calm me down. I nod in response and Damian stands up. "I'll get your doctor." He says before leaving the room.

"I would help you but I only have a medical degree in surgery." Leo says shrugging. I smile and nod knowing he really wants to help.

Soon Damian returns with my doctor and she smiles. "Welcome back Miss. Carmen. I'm your doctor Dr. Perry." She says."How long have I been sleeping?" I ask. "Almost two days." Dr. Perry says opening my record chart.

"Your faint was caused by emotional stress, and hunger. So I would like you to eat now." Dr. Perry says and calls in a nurse to get me a late lunch.

"I'll be checking on you after you eat but until then I'll be telling nurses to come and check here and there." She says before leaving.

"Emotional stress? Eleanor what is making you so emotional?" My mom asks. Everyone looks at Jamie and my mom shakes her head. "You love him darling." My mom says smiling. "No he broke up with me." I say and look at my mom finally.

"Don't talk about it now please." I say and shaking my head. "I am way to tired to speak or fight." I say and lay back against my bed.


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