episode 6 ( HOW??)

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Jungkook- all of you just stand and look at your watches AND the clock for just One minute.....Do it....

(Y/N's pov)

We all do what jungkook said..... And we were struggling to breathe from fear......

SeokJin - Oh God......every minute....is really half an hour......

Namjoon- well....damn...everyone have watches right?

HoeSeok - yeah..... we do...

TaeHyung what do we do now?...

Y/n- hide and cool down.

Jungkook- Hide??? Shouldn't we serch for a way out????

Y/n - yes but look at us! We're barely standing from fear and confusion!! We're not thinking straight and we'll just waste time and get in danger!!!!
And according to what YoonGi said.we, must stay away from our respective doppelgangers! That's why we must hide and clam down so we can think straight!!!!!!

YoonGi- I agree with y/n.

Namjoon - so let's hide on jungkook and y/n's office. It's on this floor.

We started moving as silently as possible to the office..... that dark office..
Throughout the dark.....cold corridors...

We all took our respective corners to cool down......we all were so tensed..
I was so scared...and I don't really like being alone when I'm scared....it scares me more....I'm really scared...

Suddenly someone patted my head... then sits beside me..I look behind me...

Namjoon- if you want to stay alone just tell me and I'll go back to my spot.

Y/n- no.... just stay..... here I don't want being alone now of all times...it scares me more....

Namjoon-oh okay then I'll stay with you.

Y/n- hmm..

We both talked about so many things to calm down and relax...

Namjoon- I'm beside you, so just relax, don't worry.

I smile at him...but he doesn't smile back......as usual....... I trust him....😌

Jungkook- hey I know we're definitely will shaken...But you saw it yourselves,
In 30 minutes 15 hours passed we need to go find a way.

HoeSeok- but what can we do? Our only way back was that elevator....

SeokJin - then we look for clues to find that elevator.

TaeHyung - and how do we do that?....

Y/n- we found our doppelgangers.

TaeHyung- ????

YoonGi- hell no!! Weren't you listening to any word I said??? If you meet your doppelganger you'll die!!!!

Y/n- who said anything about meeting them?

YoonGi- what the hell are you talking about??

Namjoon- I think I get what you mean.
You want us to ACT as our doppelgangers to each others doppelgangers. Am I right?

Y/n- Exactly!

HoeSeok- I still don't get it.

Y/n - if you make eye contact with YOUR doppelganger, YOU DIE. So, any of us other than you will interact with your doppelganger, etc.this way,each one if us will stay away from each other doppelganger and we will get information. They looked like us and we can't be distinguished, right? So we'll act as our doppelgangers. Do you understand?

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