Episode 1 (the beginning+introduction)

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               (Author's note)
1 and 2nd episodes might be a bit boring because it has all  members introduction which is important

Well it's my first writing a story in wattpad 🙃,

             (Y/n's pov)

I'm going to kill hin one day!!!...
Hey!! 👋
(Yeah that was one hell of a start)
Let me introduce myself first,

My name is y/n,I'm one of the main designer in the park Architecture company.
Yup the park company!!
Headed by the CEO, park jimmin.....
The guy I dream to strangle to death everyday!!!
Because he's one hell of a cold ,emotionless, harsh boss!!!
Every one is terrified of him!!!

I just got out of his office after he made sure to destroy every single trace of my motivation with his unending coldness and harsh attitude!!!

I worked really hard on that design I took 2 whole weeks!!!!

Then he comes out and says that's disgusting!
I am a mess like literally mentally and physically!!!!

I haven't slept for 3 days just to finish this design!!!!
My hairs is on my face. I have bags under my eyes and I look like a ghost !!!!

I'm standing in front of the elevator to return back to the 10th floor.
That's why my office is.

I was on 5th floor.
The elevator opens. Revealing two surprised as hell coworkers. I didn't ask, I didn't even look into their faces.
I get into the elevator, both of them back away to the farest corner of the elevator. Holding into each other and trembling in pure fear.

I recognized them!

Kim TaeHyung and Kim seokJin!
My coworkers. They are from the digital team.,they are literally energy of this Company .along with Jung HoeSeok. Both of them Always make trobule yet. There work is always flawless. That's why there not fired yet.

But why are they both looking at me like that?? You know what I won't even ask..... I'm already angry as hell due to that Jimmin !!!!

I pressed the 10th floor button and once I do it TaeHyung starts crying uncontrollably while still staring at me!

He was terrified as hell!!
I asked, going up?
He broke down crying while hugging the life out of Kim SeokJin!!!!

Kim seokJin was terrified as hell as well
He hugged TaeHyung tight and I cried silently.
They both were a crying mess!!!

And I was confused as hell. I just ignored them and turned around, then I heard them whispering,

TaeHyung- it's real!!! She's real!!!!,seokJin!! I don't want to go up anymore!!!! I don't want to!!!!

SeokJin- she even talked!!!! She talked!!!. The elevator is going up not down!!!! . What should we do now???!!!
We should stay silent or she'll take us!!
Stay silent!!!

TaeHyung - *sobbing*

What the hell there talking about?!
Now I was feed up!!!


They cried harder?!!. I won't ask!! I won't ask!!!!!!

The elevator stops on the 8th floor. Someone was coming in.......

To be continued............

Author's note

Hi, sorry this episode is short, but I promise that next upcoming episode will be long.
hope that you're enjoying 😉

Take care ♡~~~

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