episode 2 (the beginning+introduction,part 2)

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Someone was coming in.

(Jungkook comes in)

And once he does, they both look at him immediately.

Jungkook- woah y/n!! , you look like a ghost!!

And once he says my name they both look at me.

TaeHyung- wait ,what??? Y/n???!!
Oh God.......it really IS Y/N....

Jungkook - Huh? Why are you so surprised?you both know both of us.
We're working together.

SeokJin- we thought she was a ghost.....

Y/n In anger - A ghost? Really?

TaeHyung- listen, we can explain......

Y/n In anger - I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!!!!!!

Jungkook- woah...... you're really angry.....wait don't tell me he-

Y/n - he did...... JIMin refused our design....jungkook.......

Jungkook- agh, for God's sake....... That guy never likes anything.......

Y/n- jungkook....... I think I'll cry.......

Jungkook- believe me,..... me too........ but hey!!!! We can work together on Another one right??, we'll do good!!we always do good at the end!!!

Y/n- but jungkook 😔 we worked really hard.......

Jungkook- I know, but its not really new to him...
He most of the time refused our work at first then he ends up liking our final submission. We'll do it again!! Be optimistic!!

Y/n - *sigh* okay!!! Yes sir!! 😊

(Jeon jungkook. He's a main designer. Just like me. We're both leading the designing team. So we're the only in direct contact with the CEO, park jimmin. Jungkook was here before I was employed. He's the first one who ever talked to me when I first arrived.
He was my leader, as he was the only main designer. Until I became much more better at my job that Jimmin promise me to be a main designer with Jung kook. We're both now leading the designing team. And jungkook became a really close friend of mine. He's always nice and gentle with everyone. He's so optimistic too. I think the whole company is in love with him. )

TaeHyung- so that jerk, Jimmin,is at it again? God....just his name makes me angry.

SeokJin- dude, stop your interest hate on that guy already. We all hate him, but we go on with the flow anyway.

TaeHyung - you don't understand.......it's not just about him being a jerk as a boss......
Jungkook- t
You two were childhood best friends .I remember that......HoeSeok too the three of you were raised together.
Before jimmin became the boss. He was working with me on the design team.

Y/n - He was an employee here??? A designer???

Jungkook- yeah. He was such a nice guy.he was so talented as well. But I guess being the boss changed him...like...a...lot.....

TaeHyung- I really never thought that authority will change him like this.....He was my childhood best friend....but now I think I want to puke whenever I hear his name.

Y/n- hey,don't exaggerate.....I never knew he is your best friend but-

TaeHyung- WAS. Was.....not "is" my best friend. You don't understand y/n...
So please, don't try. You know ? I thought of leaving the company millions of times but I've already made so many friends here that I cherish more than him. So I will show him that I'm much stronger than he thinks I am.
I'll show him that I don't need him anymore.

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