episode 5 ( welcome to the parallel world)

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The door opens,
normal building......
That's what I thought I'd say......but...
It was ....our building......but darker.....
EXTREMELY darker and colder....It was dead quite.... I couldn't move, then I remembered ......10 seconds if we don't move in 10 seconds we'll DIE !!!!!

And when I was in deep thought YoonGi started pulling us on by one. Outside of the elevator quickly, literally throwing us outside. While he was doing it.....

Ghost- when are you going? That's not your floor.

His voice...was no longer that of a normal girl....it was husky....dark...scary.

Ghost- Are you sure you want to be here?.....


YoonGi ignored her & kept pushing us outside until we finally made it in 3 seconds. Before 10 seconds end.... and once we're out.....The elevator closes slowly......with her still inside....

We were completely shaken......Non of us believed that this could happen after all.....Some of us keep looking at the elevator's closed door....Others kept looking around......surprised...and terrified.....Then I turned to YoonGi.

Y/n - why???? YoonGi why did you make us get out???why didn't you choose the other option of going back and pressing on the first floor button again???? Why???😫

YoonGi- you took hands off the button state.....They gave her an opportunity to move beside it without any of us noticing. She had her hand on it......in other words...if we try to approach her ....she'd have killed us...we had no other option other than leaving the elevator..... Oh no ........I didn't know..
I don't know that I shouldn't take my hands off!!!!!

TaeHyung- None of us knew!!!!!NONE of us.!!! What do we do now????

HoeSeok- WE GO BACK!!!

SeokJin- We must use the SAME elevator we came in to go back! If we use a different one, we'll be trapped in forever!

Jungkook- Then let's move!!the elevator is right here!!!

Namjoon- elevator...?what....elevator?..

We look at the Namjoon....who points to the elevator we came...or......where the elevator should been.....instead of the elevator.....there Is now a wall.....A clear.....solid....wall....😰 The elevator we came in ........vanished.....Our only way vanished!!!!!!!!

HoeSeok- what .....do we do .......now?...

Namjoon- Use the stairs!!! Go down to the lower levels or even up!!! Find that Damm elevator!!!!

YoonGi- we can split up!!! Have you forgotten about doppelgangers????
What if they swipe with one of us?!?!?
It will be his and our ends!!!

Y/n - what...... do you mean?.....what are doppelgangers?? Why are they dangerous?....

YoonGi- They are the you of this world!!
They're the exact opposite of you!!!
There evil!!!Adding to that, they look exactly like us!!!! We will never be able to distinguish if it's you or your doppelganger!!!!

Y/n - we'll find a way to distinguish them! We'll face them!

YoonGi- definitely not!!! Because if you meet your doppelganger, YOU DIE!!!

TaeHyung- die?...

YoonGi- You're both the same person!!!so either YOU should exist OR HIM!!!.
If you both meet,YOU DIE,and he lives!!
All there is to is literally eye contact!!!

Jungkook- Are you saying that....if me and my doppelgangers,I look into their eyes.....I die?.....

YoonGi- yes!!!

SeokJin-YoonGi....How do you know about that?....Me and TaeHyung serched everywhere really well about any information . We'll searched for this ritual.....but nothing about the doppelgangers was never found . How did you get such information?...

YoonGi- Does it really matter now?!??!!
We need to find the elevator before any of us meet his doppelganger!!!

Y/n- YoonGi is right! We must find the elevator before anything else!!! Let's move downstairs and look through every corridor!!!! Find the SAME Elevator!!!

Namjoon- Hurry up!!! Move, all of you!!!

(Y/n's pov)
We run through the whole building........
Looking for the elevator..we swept the whole building.....literally...the whole building....but on every floor where the elevator should've been......Now it's always a clear...... solid wall....we all stood there....Totally loosing it...for some reason....on every floor...jungkook
Would staring at a wall. But I was too panicked to ask.....we're back on the 10th floor.

TaeHyung- what the hell is this?... we've been looking for a really long time for a freaking elevator!!!!!

HoeSeok- we can't stay here!!! Are we trapped forever?!!..

SeokJin - we'll........die here?.

Namjoon- we only serched for 30 minutes and you've already lost hope??
Don't fail now!!!

Jungkook- 30 minutes?...You mean....15 hours.....

Jungkook wasn't actually looking at the wall.....he was looking at a clock hanged on the wall.....

Y/n- What do you mean 15 hours???

Jungkook- I made sure to look on the watch right after we got off the elevator and the clock on the wall.....I kept following the clock on the wall on each floor....and I kept following the watch on my hand as well... guys....as my watch moved a minute....the clock on the wall moved half an hour!!....

TaeHyung- what the hell are you saying
The gap...is that long!!!

To be continued.....

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