Chapter 2 - Combat Training

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'Outcall' was a magical power explosion that occurred 50 years ago and shook the world. After this event, mysterious entities such as Towers, Dungeons, and Monsters began to appear in the world. These chaos entities shook the very foundation of humanity. The blue planet of humans turned into hell. Monsters devoured humans, and Towers and Dungeons incessantly produced monsters like factories.

Faced with these new calamities, humanity's science and technology lost their meaning. Society collapsed, and the rule of law returned to the law of the jungle. Tragedy survivors surrendered to their instincts, losing the virtues that made them human.

Amidst this infernal chaos, Heroes emerged as bright stars.

With transcendent powers, they corrected the chaos. The world was rebuilt as quickly as it collapsed. Using their gifts bestowed by heaven, they brought miracles in the blink of an eye. With their help, humanity regained lost virtue. Because of the heroes, technology and science were revitalized. "Magic science" and "magic engineering" were born as a result.


Eventually, towers, dungeons, and monsters were all designated as targets to be destroyed. However, the differences between them were significant.

Towers required many people and a long period of time to be conquered. On the other hand, depending on their difficulty, Dungeons could be conquered by a single person as long as they knew their location.

Towers gave better rewards, containing treasures that humans could only dream of having.

So, what was the name of the Tower conquered by the Apostle of Saints Guild on August 17, 2023, and what was its reward?

"Questions like these don't come up often, but you should still know about Tower and Dungeon conquests."

The morning class was about "Post-Outcall History." In the novel, there wasn't anything too detailed, but now that it's a real world, the few sentences became 400 pages. We were supposed to learn about Tower rewards, monster names, Dungeon locations in Korea, Tower and Dungeon conquerors, among other things.

It wasn't a problem to process all this information. Besides, even if I struggled with something, I could rely on my gift "Observation and Reading."

"On August 17, 2023, the Apostle of Saints Guild conquered the Flood Tower and obtained an oceanic stone."

It was quite simple; whenever I looked at something, I could get information about it, so I had nothing to worry about.


On the other hand, the girl sitting in front of me scratched her head and sighed.

Chae Nayun hated studying. She had the ability to be the best among the cadets, but as written exams were holding her back, she had to give up the top spot to Rachel. Even though she gritted her teeth at the humiliating defeat, written exams were still an obstacle for her.

At that moment, Chae Nayun turned her head halfway to me. Her short eyes looked at the person sitting behind her – me. Apparently, I ended up observing too much.

"Do you have nothing to do other than stare at me? I'm starting to think you were really spying on me yesterday."

She spoke with a slightly low voice, probably not wanting to attract attention as the class was still ongoing.

It seems she still despises me for choosing my main weapon. The brief conversation we had last night must have left her with a bad impression of me. Mentioning that I think she would be better with swords than a bow must have given her a bad impression of me, even though I said that at the end.

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