"Hanako!?" Kou then looked at Hanako who was still hugging you from behind. When Hanako looked at Kou he could only see Teru, it was scary how similar they looked to each other. "Please don't get too close to me," Hanako said as he also cowered behind you.

You looked at Kou and smiled. "Don't worry Kou, we'll figure this out eventually." You say as you patted his shoulder. He smiled and held your hands together. "Thank you Y/N!" He gave you that bubbly smile of his. 

You couldn't help but smile, it was contagious.

As all of you guys had that moment Mirai came back out of nowhere. "I'm gonna make this lady look hot!" She said as she lunged for Yashiro. Yashiro squeaked ready to be turned into some wrinkly old lady, but nothing happened.

Instead, she passed out.

You looked over to her and rushed to her aid. "Yashiro wake up!" You yelled. You looked around the room suggesting help but before you could say anything Mirai lunged at you as well. "And you too!" 

You closed your eyes hoping for the worst but when you tried to open them back up you couldn't.

You got scared, very scared.

You then realized that your eyes were opened, you were just in a very dark room. "Hello..?" You say as you walk around what seems to be a never-ending room of darkness. You kept hearing faint voices in the distance. 

You got chills down your spine.

You recognized that voice from anywhere.

'Sister?' You sprinted towards the voices. You kept seeing a light, you picked up the pace but before you could reach there was an invisible box surrounding it. You bumped into it and fell.

You touched your forehead and it stung a tiny bit but dismissed it. You stared into the very clear box. 


"Why are you crying Y/N?"

"T-The same stuff keeps happening over and over again S/N (Sister's/Name), They keep bullying me, I-I don't know what to do!"

"Fight back."


"Fight back."

Younger you looked at your big sister in shock. But, Mom said never to hit anyone. 

What about dad?

Dad, he said as long as you win the fight he wouldn't care, but it's still wrong to fight someone!

"Don't look at me like that Y/N, you need to defend yourself whether you like it or not. No one in this world survives out of pure kindness you know." S/N was right, I had to fight back at some point. I didn't want it to get worse.

It wouldn't get worse.

The scenery changed to a school grounds. You saw two random girls. The faces were blurred out. They pushed younger you and laughed at you. They pushed you into the wall and banged your head till the point you started to bleed.

"Fight back." 

The words of S/N replayed in your mind over and over again.

You cried out. 

Why wouldn't anybody hear your screams? 

"Shut up!" One of the girls said, as she banged your head harder on the wall, you felt the wall have a dent in it. You've had enough of this, you grabbed the girl by the hair and shoved her to the floor.

"Fight back." You said as you gripped her throat. The other girl was in shock she didn't do anything, she knew if she tried she would've lost immediately. 

"Fight back." You said again as your grip on the girl's throat became harsher. Her face was turning into a nasty color of purple. You got agitated and screamed, "Fight back you, pussy!" As you said this you kept smashing her head into the floor.

"Fight back."

"Fight back..."

"Fight back..!"


With each word you screamed out you kept bashing her head onto the floor even harder, you didn't realize what you were doing, your body was moving on its own.  By the time you snapped back into reality, it was already too late. 

She was dead.

You looked at your hands covered in blood. You started to tear up.

"No..." You said as you looked up. The girl was still there. She was crying in silence. You stood up and rushed to her. You grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to the stairs. She screamed bloody murder yet nobody heard her.

You bashed her head into the wall which made her pass out. You kept doing that repeatedly until you made sure she was gone. No one else can know about this. You thought. Nobody. 




You left the bodies there, you didn't want to clean them up. You looked at your hands and your uniform, all covered in blood. You remembered your sister saying something about the omen of death, and how it always followed you. 

Is this what she meant?

Or did she mean something else?

You shrugged it off, you didn't care about what happened to you anymore.


You stared at the clear box that withered away. You couldn't believe your eyes. You forgot about the incident. But why relieve it now? What was the point of all of this? You had so many questions but you knew there was nobody there to answer them.

But yourself.

Would this mean that you would have to figure yourself out through whatever that was? Probably. Were you going to do it? Probably not. "Why would I kill them though? I don't even remember doing it but I feel like I did, and I know I did. But how would I be so sure? My mind knows I didn't do it, but my body knows I did."

What's wrong with you?


Long chapter for you guys because I won't be abe to upload it this Saturday due to me going to visit family soon. I love you guys so much and I hope you have a wonderful week. See you guys in the next! 

Are you alive, or just existing?|| Tbhk/Jshk x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now