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The car drove along the road, going towards the prison that was inside the protected city. I was 5'11, my skin black and rough. I was in a gray shirt, blue jeans, and a navy blue coat.

Which was 8 minutes away until we got to the gates.

Now, why were we going to the prison?

Well I-

"Well I know you didn't do it, steal and shit." The cop said from the front of the car. The cop had a blue uniform and was a white male around 50 or something. He had a scruffy beard and a brown hat with the words POLICE written on it, gray.

I raised an eyebrow. Confused.

"Why is that?" I asked. As I put my sweaty hands together.

If it was my choice I would be stretching but I was cuffed. So that was a whole lot of crap.

"Because by now I would get the 'I didn't do it' Kind of bullshit." He said simply.

He then adjusted the front mirror, to be able to see my facial expression.
I just stayed silent, not really sure how to respond.

Not like I really wanted to respond anyway. Because any word I spoke could be used against me in court.

At least that is what I assume.

"You see, around this time I would get the 'I didn't do it' line, every single time, even if they were caught red handed, but you didn't say anything yet so I don't think you did it."

I bit my lip, as I looked out the window, seeing other cars pass by.

All armored because of the lurking danger of the creatures that had now populated the world.

He looked at the mirror, seeing how I would react.

I looked down, and stared at the iron cuffs that were around my dark wrists.

It felt cold, uncomfortable.

I wasn't used to having cuffs around my wrists, it just didn't feel right.

"I remember one time when I had to take this one person who kept kicking the back seat like those kids on airplanes. I told him to stop because that was the poverty of the government, and that he could get charged for that. He didn't listen. Finally after a while when he was done being a jerk he started sobbing saying that he didn't do it, and did it all the way to the station." I see in the mirror that he rolled his eyes near the end.

I thought for a moment.
"Did he do the crime?" I asked. Trying to engage in the conversation.

"That idiot was caught red handed, literally caught killing his wife in front of his kids!"
He sucked in his breath, as he focused on the road.

"This world has certainly gone to shit hasn't it?" he asked me.

I simply nodded.

"Don't see how it can get much worse." I said quietly.
"Another story for you, when I was still in my first year in the force I-" My eyes widened.
"Watch out!" I yelled, as I saw we were about to crash into a figure in the middle of the road.

The cop immediately stepped on the breaks, but it was too late.

The car hit the figure, then spun out of control.

It then crashed into the side of the road, and went down a ditch, as it flipped over multiple times.

Glass flew everywhere.

I then slammed my head into the back of my seat. Knocking me out cold.

. . . 

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