Äs Nödt's Trial, Yhwach's Fear: Death's Smile...

Start from the beginning

Ginjo: Did... Did he just...?

Yhwach remained silent, his gaze fixed on Zaegar, who now sat calmly on one of the bar stools as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. With a nonchalant flick of his tail, Zaegar turned towards Ginjo, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: Well, that was unexpected. Now, how about you whip up the finest drink you have, Ginjo? I've worked up quite the appetite.

Ginjo blinked several times, still trying to process the surreal turn of events. Slowly, he nodded, a bemused smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he turned back to the bar.

Ginjo: Right... Coming right up.

Ginjo chuckled lightly as he turned back to the bar, ready to fulfill Zaegar's request for a drink. He reached for a bottle, his movements smooth and practiced, though his mind still lingered on the extraordinary event they had just witnessed.

As Ginjo began to prepare the drink, Zaegar turned his attention to Yhwach, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: So, Yhwach, when do you plan on getting another Schrift? It's been quite some time since the last one.

Yhwach considered Zaegar's question thoughtfully, his brow furrowing slightly as he mulled over the logistics of acquiring a new Schrift.

Yhwach: Ah, yes, the trials of the Sternritters. But to access them, one must first touch their cocoons, which are, if I'm not mistaken, located within your section of my inner world, The Dark Void.

Zaegar paused for a moment as if pondering Yhwach's words, before shrugging nonchalantly.

Zaegar: Well, yes, but... you could have just asked, you know.

With a flick of his claw, Zaegar summoned a random cocoon from one of the Sternritters into the bar. The cocoon materialized with a faint shimmer, hovering in the air before them.

Yhwach's eyebrow quirked upward at Zaegar's casual display of power, though a hint of amusement danced in his eyes.

Yhwach: Well, that certainly simplifies matters.

Ginjo, who had been observing the exchange with mild fascination, glanced at the newly summoned cocoon with intrigue.

Ginjo: I must say, Zaegar, you never fail to impress.

As Ginjo expressed his admiration for Zaegar's display of power, the mischievous hollow couldn't help but smirk with satisfaction. His eyes gleamed with a devious glint as he extended his tail, its size increasing significantly. With a swift motion, Zaegar grabbed Yhwach and flung him towards the suspended cocoon, sending the Quincy king hurtling into the trial within.

Yhwach's voice echoed faintly as he was propelled forward, his expression a mix of surprise and resignation.

Yhwach: I thought we had agreed to refrain from tossing me around in my inner world, Zaegar...

Ginjo, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, turned towards Zaegar with a mixture of surprise and concern etched on his features.

Ginjo: Was that really necessary, Zaegar?

Zaegar's smirk widened as he watched Yhwach disappear into the trial, his tone filled with mischief as he responded to Ginjo's inquiry.

Zaegar: Yup.

Scene Break - Äs Nödt's Trial

As Yhwach emerged from the cocoon within Äs Nödt's soul, he found himself in a realm shrouded in darkness, a chilling aura enveloping him like a suffocating cloak. The air seemed to pulse with a palpable sense of dread, echoing the fears that lurked deep within Yhwach's subconscious.

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