Of all the thing that could happen

Start from the beginning

Before I could react, she barreled into me with a force that sent us both reeling backwards and I rolled over the railing. Instinctively, I reached out to steady myself, my fingers grasping desperately at the railing as I teetered on the edge of the balcony while with my other hand, I had grabbed Eris who fell with me.


Everything happened too fast for me to process but I still managed to push Eris back to safety before I did something for myself. I threw her back in, then tried to grab the railing with the hand I used to save Eris.

But it was too late—the world seemed to slow to a crawl as my hands slipped from the cold metal, sending me plummeting towards the ground below.


Fear gripped me and my eyes went wide as the balcony got further away.

NO! NO! NO! I'm done for!!

I closed my eyes in dismay, reading myself for the impact. I knew I was going to break something of mine.

I crashed on the floor but somehow the impact wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rather, it felt like something cushioned my fall. But well, I still received a body shock.

"Owww," I let out a groan and then noticed something wrong.Slowly, I opened my eyes to see what had happened and moved my gaze around.

Wait what's under me!?!

I looked directly down but didn't see anything properly, I just saw some hair


I looked back, then looked down and noticed the body of a man laying flat. Arms crossed with legs slightly leaning on top of each other with feet crossed along with a fallen chair under him.

"Oh My God!!" I immediately got up from there, "I'm so sorry!!!"

I got up and looked back at where I was sitting

Azef's face

"I'm so so sorry!!" I realized he was sitting on a sun lounger directly under the balcony where I fell from. He was probably just enjoying the weather and I came in like a wrecking snowball!

Azef didn't move, he didn't say anything immediately either. My cheeks started to heat up as the shame began to overcome me.

OH MY GOD!!! I covered my face with my hands as I felt like a clown

I pursed my lips lightly as I watched him simply nod after the situation made sense to him. He was probably utterly confused why my ass was suddenly on his face!

Of all the things I could have fallen on! Why did it have to be his face!?!? Can things get even more embarrassing!??!

"Hmm," Azef's eyes finally looked at me, making me flinch, "I have to say. You need more meat on that ass-"


My blush got darker and so did the embarrassment.

He sat up and turned his towards me, "That was one boney-" But as he sat up and broke eye contact I turned around and made a run for it and when he looked back at me I was already running away which caught him off guard, "..."

He simply blinked at me in disbelief while I escaped his sight

I ran inside, then upstairs and back to my room and locked myself in


I slid against the door and sat down on the floor while my heart raced like crazy

That was so embarrassing!!! So, so, so, so, so, so embarrassing!! So much, I want to kill myself all over again!!!

Of all the things that could have happened to me in my life, why did something so utterly shameful happen?!?!?




I think I'm in trouble. I didn't know that surprising Sera would do that.

I came running down the stairs but when I saw she was fine and brother Azef had saved her, I ran to the other end and hid behind the couch because I was scared. I watched as she ran away from him and he watched her in confusion.

I was afraid, I wanted to see if she was fine, but I felt like if I went to talk to her she would scold me. Or worse, she might not talk to me.

I bit my lower lip in fear. What do I do now? I just wanted to hug her and tell her I wasn't feeling well. My skin under my bandage was itchy, but I couldn't scratch my arm because of the bandage and I even felt a little dizzy.

But I only caused trouble. I stared at brother Azef who came inside the house and stared at the stairs. He said something rude to Sera. He seemed to be thinking about whether to go after her or not.

After she was gone, I got out of the hiding spot and made my way to Azef. He noticed me immediately and waited for me to talk.

"I don't think you should say that to a lady." I stopped a little distance from him.

"Hmm," He folded his arms and thought, "My mistake." He shook his head, "Usually women have more mass there. The whole thing took me by surprise and I ended up saying something rude."


"What?" What is that supposed to mean? More mass?

He shook his head again, "I don't like this."

"What?" He was confusing me.

He looked at me then passed me a smile, then picked me up in his arms,

"I think we have to feed your sister more," He declared and I have no idea where that idea came from but I liked the sound of it.

"Oh!" I nodded in agreement, "Yes!"

She always gave me her food. When we had nothing to eat at home, she would bring something from her work and give it to me. And she rarely ever ate, that's why she's skinny. That's why it was rude of brother Azef to say she was boney. I hope brother Azef can give Sera lots of delicious food!

So that she has someone to feed her, like she always feeds me.

I hugged him

"Be sure to do that!"

Brother Azef smiled at me, then he noticed something off. He placed his hand on my cheek, "Are you getting a fever?"


I shook my head at him, "No," I didn't want him to get distracted. I wanted him to buy something nice for Sera.

"You're skin is hot though,"

"I'm fine," I hopped out of his embrace, "I'm just sleepy."

"Hmmm," He stared at me, "Are you sure you're fine?"

I nodded, "Yes,"

I mean, I am fine. Just a little dizzy. Sera is already sad, I'll tell her about feeling sick when she gets delicious food to eat!

I felt my vision get foggy for a second but when I shook my head, it went away.

It's okay

Nothing will happen to me


Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now