Chapter 1 - Cubo Academy - Synchronization

Start from the beginning

[Well, I don't know how I could help, but okay, I guess. I'm a student, so as long as it's something basic and not problematic, I don't mind offering some help].

Of course, I still couldn't rule out the possibility that this person had some involvement with the White Room, after all, the fact that he got my email is still a mystery.



Could that be what led to this whole situation?

Is the person behind that email some kind of god or something? I didn't, but it was the sensible thing to think. Although I had other worries to think about right now.

I was standing in an ordinary family home.

But the world I was in wasn't my world and I wasn't "me". Although someone might think I was being philosophical, I really wasn't. It was just the best way to describe it. It was just the best way to describe the situation I found myself in.

I had become an "extra" character in the novel I read. In other words, I was one of thousands of characters who didn't receive any kind of description. There was only one name.

I had become "Okabe Tatsuya".

Tatsuya lived in an ordinary apartment, but had no parents. As to why, I, of course, didn't know. No matter how hard I tried to get any memories out of my head, I couldn't, everything was a blur. The only thing I did know was that Okabe Tatsuya, a young Japanese boy, at the age of nine, was admitted to the 'Agents' Military Academy'. A place created to nurture the elites who would fight monsters and Djinns in the future.

What skills does Tatsuya possess to pass the entrance exam for such an academy?

I didn't know.

I didn't know anything about him. I didn't even know my own face.

When I look in the mirror...


That's what I see. An oval-shaped thing and a question mark.

I was very confused. The situation was very problematic. I had no idea what this body's abilities were and I was unable to see my own face at the moment.

Is this one of those crazy body possessions? Or is it transmigration? It was completely irrational. I had gone to bed like any other day, but when I woke up, I found myself on the last day of the semester at the Agents' Military Academy.

I'd spent the last two weeks pondering why I'd been brought here, but it was pretty easy to guess, judging by the email I'd received.

The sender called himself "homosapiens ", which in itself was peculiar. But the content of the email went beyond superficial strangeness.

It proposed a remake of the novel, a reconstruction of the story I had just finished. Not only that, but he expressed a desire to do it for pure personal pleasure.

The connection was obvious: that email was an invitation to rewrite the reality of this world, just as he was proposing to rewrite the novel. A subtle suggestion of manipulating ongoing events. However, to be capable of something like sending me into the world of that novel, this person couldn't possibly be human.

Still, there were many unanswered questions.

As I pondered these questions, I realized that I needed to act quickly and cautiously. If this individual had the power to manipulate events in my life, I couldn't underestimate him.

After all, I couldn't afford to be a piece in his game of manipulation.

"Ding Dong Triiiiiiiim"

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