Twitch Quartet VS Team Red Line

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A/N: I have no clue why I thought it would be a good idea to make this but here we are, hope you enjoy this random one I made at 01:07 in the morning.

Charles owned a gaming team named the Twitch Quartet and his friends, Lando, George and Alex were apart of the team along with his brother Arthur, they always had fun doing random streams playing games and competing.

Max on the other hand owned Team Red Line and he had his friends and other people on the team. they pretty much did the same things at the twitch lot, played a bunch of games and did a load of competitions but one day both teams were invited to the biggest tournament and they would end up playing against each other to see who would be the winner.

both teams were at their headquarters practising when their managers walks in and told them about the competition. everyone was exited about it and the team leaders had ordered their new team gear to make sure they had it ready for the competition. and from then on wards everyone went to practise and didn't stop unless it was to exercise, bathroom brake and to eat.

it was now the day of the competition and everyone was exited but also a little scared, Twitch quartet was making their way to their dressing room when they passed team red line's room and that's when Charles seen Max and he froze in place. Lando had noticed Charles wasn't with them and looked back to see Charles looking into one of the room's, so he heads to Charles and drags him away to their room.

Max on the other hand was surprised to see Charles and was going to go see him but Lando had already taken him away, "Max u ok." "huh oh yea I am fine I thought I saw my childhood best friend but I must of mistaken it." "well cap what is our plan for this." "right yea the plan." all teams were now going over their plan for the competition and got ready. group a to s had already been and gone and now it was time for group t to go on the stage and do their competition.

Charles and his team were the first to be announced and made their way to the stage and waved to everyone before making their way to their table, Max and his team were called and they did the same before going to their table. hours later the match was done and Charles' team won and they were happy, Max and his team had to go shake hands with the team before leaving.

Charles and his team went to get the trophy before going to their dressing room. Charles was smiling at the other's who were really happy and was lost in his thoughts until someone had pulled him into one of the room's. Charles looks at the person and seen it was Max, and didn't say anything. "what happened to you, u left without saying goodbye and didn't tell me where u went."

"I wasn't aloud to tell anyone about it and I am not ment to talk to u if I get caught I'll be in big trouble and I don't want that." "please u gotta tell me something." "Max I swear to you that I will one day once my self and my team can leave this company we are under." "let me help u then."

"it's something u can't help with Max because this person knows u and if they find out u had something to do with us going then we are both screwed." "shit." "for now let me do what I can and if I need help I will come to you I promise." Max nods and Charles looks outside to see if anyone was around and seen that it was empty. "I am going but first here." Charles hands Max a pice of paper and then left before Max could say anything.

Max looked at the paper and read it and got angry, he phoned one of his friends to sort something out to help Charles and his team out of the company they are under. Charles made his way to the tour bus and once he was on there everyone looked at him, "where did u go." "I went to the bathroom sorry." "its ok but we gotta head back now if we don't we are in trouble." "we can go I am the last one to arrive so its fine." Charles grabs his phone and called one of his old friends and told them to get rid of the footage of the last hour.

once the team had arrived back at the house everyone went straight to their rooms and got ready for bed. the next morning Charles was the first up and got ready for the day before making his way doen stairs and went to his side of the desk and got to training, one by one everyone was waking up and going to their side of the desk and start their training.

a few month's had gone by and nothing major happened, both teams had done more tournaments and won many times. Charles had done what he could to get the team out of the company and it wasn't working so he sent a s.o.s message to Max. when Max had seen the message he calls someone before looking down at his team before ending the call. Max was happy he can have Charles back in his life now again. a few days had been and it was all over the news about Charles' team and everyone had helped them as well.

the Twitch Quartet was now free to do what they wanted, Charles had no clue what he was going to do with the team but when he showed everyone their new HQ and house everyone was exited. "omg when did u do all of this." "It was a gift from someone." "at least we can still do what we love." "yea now lets enjoy our time off for now." Lando was happy because he would be able to see Carlos again, Alex was happy that he could see George again, Arthur was happy he could now go to Ollie and be with him. Charles was happy to see his friends happy.

everyone had now gone to their partners and Charles was left at the house on his own, Charles was in his room asleep when there was a knock on the door, he grabs his phone to see through the camera who was at the door and seen Max he just presses a button and the door opens, Max looks around confused before entering the house and looked around,

max had made his way up stairs to look for Charles room it didn't take him long since on his door it said team leader on the door. Max knocks on the door, "come in." Max walks in and seen Charles and laugh's "did I wake u up." Charles nods. "sorry I didn't mean to." "it's alright I needed to get up anyway." "how are u." "I am ok just tired." Max sits on the bed and looks at Charles,

"I can tell, shall I cancel our plans and stay here." Charles nods, "sorry." "its ok." "its not ok I am a bad friend." "Charles its ok u are tired I don't blame u." Max lays on the empty side of the bed and pulls Charles closer." Charles takes in Max's sent and had calmed down, "is that better." "mhm." "I want to ask u something." "what is it." "will u be my boyfriend again." Charles laugh's, "Max u are crazy we never broke up." "I know but it felt like it." Charles kisses Max's lips and lays his head on Max's chest.

"there is ur answer." "I am happy." "good." "when is ur next tournament." "we don't have anything because the team we are ment to go against has just recently left their old company and we wanted to give them time to adjust to the new life." Charles smiles and hides. "oh how sweet." "well I didn't want u guys to suffer any longer plus u needed it."

"my self more than the others." "I know." "I am sorry for leaving without saying anything." "its ok I found out what happened so u don't need to apologize for it." Charles smiles and hugs Max. the both of them ended up talking for hours and got to know about the other teams and were just happy to have the other back after so many years of being separated because of the company.

The End

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