♡ Diluc ♡ (The Finer Things Of Life)

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Buckle up. This is a long one.

5.7 k words.

Unedited, I'll go back later to read over it, comment if you find any mistakes

While I'm all for Xiao, Diluc was my first main. So he gets my attention often.





"Honestly, if you don't get married soon and have kids, you'll get too old, and no one will take over the business." Kaeya spoke, his cheek resting in his palm as he sat at the table.

"Sir Kaeya is correct. You need to start thinking about the future. By this age, your father had already been searching for a wife." Elzer added, while a few of the nearby maids also nodded along with his words.

Diluc crossed his arms. He was not interested in finding a wife he did not love. But no one had really caught his eye yet.
But for whatever reason, everyone was so caught up by it that even Kaeya was called to the winery to discuss the topic of his love life. Or lack thereof.

"Many of the women I have met just want money. I would not want to have a child and raise them with the wrong ideals." The red head sighed, not really interested in this conversation at all.

"So you are worried about having a gold digger as a mother to your future kids, you mean?" Kaeya smirked when he noticed a subtle blush dusting Diluc's face before he so very flatly responded.

"If you want to be so black and white about it, yes."

"If I may," Adelinde interjected, a soft smile on her face as she watched the two men as she did when they were younger. "How about we host a ball? And just invite eligible bachelorettes?"

"Oh, that sounds fantastic." The blue haired male cooed, his smirk growing as he watched Diluc roll his eyes.

What Diluc did not know was that Kaeya had a personal favorite he had already planned to invite. As a matter of fact, this entire plan Adelinde offered up was all a part of his master plan for his dear brother.

"Well, I'd love nothing more than to hang out, but considering there's only 1 week to prepare for this ball, I must be on my way. I'll have to work extra time with the knights to be sure that day will be free for me. See ya~" Kaeya made his way to the door, almost giddy with excitement as he let himself out.

"What a pest." Diluc mumbled, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Master Diluc, why don't you go into the city and have a day off. See if there is anyone who catches your attention to personally invite?" Adelinde gave his a kind smile while Elzer nodded in agreement.

"I suppose it can't be helped." He stood up, heading for the door.

He did not exactly plan to do as suggested. The red head just wanted some fresh air and peace to sort his thoughts.

He was only 23. What was the rush?

"Diluc!!!" He heard a high-pitched screech call him.

So much for peace and quiet.

"Hello." He nodded towards them, earning a narrow eyed stare from the floating friend.

"What's with the glum attitude, Diluc?" Paimon questioned while Lumine cocked her head to the side.

"It's nothing..." He sighed, crossing his arms again.

"That's an obvious lie you are telling." Paimon huffed, sticking her nose up.

Genshin Impact OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon