♡ Diluc ♡ ( Tame Your Wild Heart)

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You squeezed Razor's hand, your messy silver hair blowing in the chilly wind as you used your free hand to cover your face slightly.

"Razor told you.... Very cold." Your younger brother pulled you quicker toward shelter, a slight frown on his face.

"I know, but this was supposed to be a quick trip." You sighed, looking up at the sky, snow falling down peacefully from the night sky.

You leaned on the cave wall, Razor already starting a fire for you both.
You couldn't help but smile. Despite only being 2 years older than Razor, your speech was much more developed. You partially have the Knights of Favonious to thank for that, and of course a certain Red head and his Blue haired brother. They went many years teaching you how to speak properly when they first met you.

"What's that sound?" You heard someone ask, and you crouched in the bushes with your hand over Razor's mouth. You were around 10, and he was only 8. You had always been a part of the wolves' lives. You had no memories before them, and you were taught to be somewhat afraid of humans, even though you yourself was one.

"What are you doing out here?" A voice came from behind you, making you whip around, shoving Razor behind you as you stood protectively before him.

It was a redheaded man with what appeared to be his son, but the way the man held his hands up in a way to show he wasn't a threat made you relax just slightly.

You had picked up a few words from passersby adventurers, or even some children who would play in the area, so even at your 10 years of age you could communicate, albeit weakly.

"Luna." You place a hand over your chest before stepping aside just slightly, Razor peeking out from behind you. "Razor. Lupical. F-family." You nodded.

The man smiled down at you, nodding. Even without your words, he assumed you both to be related with the silver hair and ruby eyes.

"Live with woofs." You muttered incorrectly, looking at the boy that was with him.

"Mn....what this?" You gave a questioning glance to his boy, before the red head in question smiled shyly.

"Go on, introduce yourself." The man whispered, pushing the boy forward. He looked to be similar in age to you, possibly a few years older.

"I am Diluc." He said confidently, holding his hand out to you.

You flinched, but then stared at his hand.
You glanced down at Razor before glancing at the man.

Diluc seemed confused, and instead reached down to take your hand and shook it, causing you to blush and the boy's father to laugh.

Little did this group know that this would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship that would bloom as the two children aged.

You chuckled to yourself. You remembered that soon after Diluc would regularly visit you and tell you about his job as a knight. He would even bring Kaeya at times. He would spend hours teaching you how to speak properly. Razor rarely joined in on these sessions, but he did go picking up some things.
Even after tragedy struck Diluc's family, and the Pyro user left for years on his own, Kaeya would come and continue teaching you more and more proper speech.

A few weeks had passed and Kaeya was steadily coming by to continue his little Grammer lessons with you. Not that you had any problem with that, but you wondered where Diluc had been.

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