♧ Childe ♧ ( Catching Feelings )

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Alright, so get ready for Daddy Zhongli's daughter and Childe.

It's another long one, 5.8k words.

The timeline of this will be slightly different, almost the same, but skipping some stuff to get to the good plot, buddy.

I didn't review this one, it's another long one.
I'll go back and reread it tonight so I can edit anything that seems wrong.



"Father, please?" You looked at Morax, your golden eyes pleading as you pointed back at Xiao. "Please, I don't need Xiao to accompany me everywhere. I'm two thousand years old!"

Rex Lapis scoffed before continuing to sip his tea.

"I said the same thing when I was your age." He mumbled, earning a snicker from Xiao.

"Shut up." You hissed, irritatingly pulling on a long strand of his teal highlighted hair.

"Well, fine." You stopped off, making your way to Liyue Harbor, Xiao following behind you quietly.

"You know, the fact you practically beg him not to send me if exactly why he sends me." The young adeptus stated, his eyes surveying the land as he followed you.

"The thing is, Xiao, I love you. Honestly, I do. You are my brother, basically. However... sometimes a girl wants some privacy." You mumbled, rolling your eyes.

"I'm the daughter of an Archon--"

"Ex-Archon, and no one is supposed to even know that." Xiao corrected.

"Right. I'm the daughter of some flashy funeral director.... and I'm followed around by an adeptus that is oddly respectful to the aforementioned funeral director. Does he not realize we look the same!?" You cried, your face blushing in embarrassment.

"Wow, princess. I haven't seen you so worked up before.... you are usually very poised." Xiao reached forward, taking your hand to stop you from walking.

You glanced back at him with a bored look.

"And you don't usually touch people, and yet." You gestured angrily to his hand holding yours before he rolled his eyes.

"You're mad at your father, not me, so direct your anger elsewhere. Look, I'll make you a deal. I'll close my eyes and count to ten, you can get as far away as possible. After 10 seconds, I'll slowly make my way to find you." He released your hand as he watched your face light up.

"Deal!" And before he could even close his eyes, you were gone with the wind.

Xiao sighed, looking up at the sky before teleporting himself to Wangshu Inn for some almond tofu before he went to look for you.


You were sprinting along the streets of Liyue Harbor, shooting up a random staircase with a grin on your face. Xiao was truly such a good brother for this! It might not be long, but it was something.

"Finally. Some freedo--" Before you could finish your sentence, you collided with something.

That something was actually a someone.

"Woah, girl!" Came a surprised yet friendly voice.

"Ouch." You grumbled, rubbing your nose.

"Oh, wait--here, it's bleeding."

You looked at the ocean-eyed stranger as he pulled out a handkerchief to hold to your nose, tilting your head back slightly, his other hand gingerly cradling your the back of your head. He was handsome and polite, no doubt.

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