Xiao 🍋 (Heated Apology)

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What happens if Xiao and his love interest have a little fight during a cycle of heat?


It's a 🍋 so get ready for some smut.

Unedited, point out any mistakes for me pls (if there are any)



Xiao was about to head to Wangshu Inn and attempt to apologize to you for his sudden outburst earlier in the day.

He had been feeling off all week, but he himself did not understand what was going on with his body.

He didn't want to be touched, but he also didn't want you away from him.

He wanted to be alone, but he was irritated when you gave him space.

Honestly, he was feeling rather frustrated in a way he had never felt before.

He noticed a demonic enemy nearby.
He narrowed his eyes, deciding to let some steam off and get rid of some trash.

After another few hours had passed, the blood covered yaksha felt slightly better at the release of frustration. Of course, the karmic debt helped some of that release. He normally felt deserving of the pain that ripped at his body, but especially tonight. He wiped his mouth of blood, his hair drenched with sweat as he sighed. Now he would head to the Inn and rest.

He arrived in a split second on the roof, taking in a deep breath before his eyes widened.
Your scent was quick to fill his lungs, and he found himself talking in a deep breath, the hairs on the nape of his neck standing as a chill went down his body.

There was definitely something wrong with him. He had never felt such a strong sense of desire before.

There was barely any moment that passed before he was at the door to his room, pushing it open quickly before freezing.
You were clearly asleep, your feet propped up on a few pillows, and your arms tossled above you. His eyes trailed your body, noticing your lips parted ever so slightly while your chest fell and rose with each breath you took.
The way your shirt had risen up just enough to show your soft stomach.
One side of your shorts had rolled up as well, allowing for skin you usually never displayed to be seen.
He felt his face heat up before he quickly went to the bathroom.

What was happening to him? He all but slammed the bathroom door, mentally cursing himself as he remembered you sleeping.
He stripped off his clothes, turning the water as hot as it would go.

"Hn...!" He flintched as he stepped into the water before releasing an unsteady breath. The heat soothed his muscles, blood mixing with water as it was washed from his lean body.

He looked down at himself, his eyes going wide as he felt himself become slightly aroused. Could this be a cycle of heat?

He had never gone through it before, but he had known it to happen to other yaksha before him.

Once clean, he dried and dressed himself. He wore a sleevless shirt and his underwear before he wondered if that was appropriate with you in the bed.
He closed his eyes and shook his head, a deep frown on his face.

He had to apologize.

He stepped out of the bathroom, closed the door, and went over to the grand window of the room. The teal haired yaksha pushed the curtains open to allow the faint glow of moonlight into the room.
He came over to the bedside and looked at you with soft amber eyes.
He reached out and placed his hand on your forehead, brushing your fringe away while he admired your gentle features while you slept. It was then that he noticed a scrape along your hairline.
It looked relatively new, one you probably got while out fighting hilichurls and such.
He leaned down, hesitating slightly before he did what he had seen many humans and even immortals do.

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