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Konan took slow, deliberate steps down the winding path that cut through the dense forest. Her eyes were closed, yet her other senses were keenly aware of the world around her. She could feel the cool breeze on her skin and hear the rustling of leaves in the wind. The earthy aroma of damp soil and decaying leaves mixed with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers filled her nostrils. Despite her closed eyes, she moved with confident grace, as if she knew every twist and turn of the path by heart.

"Yo! You there!"

Her tranquility was short-lived as a voice called her.


"Does the cult of Jashin interest you?"

"Cult of Jashin? Could you tell me more?"

'Hee, finally someone who doesn't straight up run away at my Lord's name!'
"Yes yes! Our God Jashin allows us to kill to our pleasure! This is what combles us with joy even! So~ isn't our cult exalting?!" Hidan's voice was filled with joy and conviction, talking about his Lord Jashin with someone else made him very happy. Before Konan could reply he added;

"All you have to do is go through a ritual and be accepted by our lord~."

"So, you're the infamous serial killer."

"Haaa, why would you compare me to those vulgar killers?! I only take action in the name of our Lord." He then lifted his weird red scythe and pointed it at Konan.

"I'm gonna have to sacrifice you to Lord Jash- Eugh."

As he spoke, a sudden change in the atmosphere made it difficult to inhale. The weight of an intangible force pressed down on him, making his legs feel weak as if they might give out at any moment. His words were abruptly silenced, leaving him struggling to make sense of the unsettling shift in the air around him.

Before he could react, a hand flew out of the forest and impaled him in his chest. His body fell to the ground.

"Is that all you can do?" Kakuzu walked out of the forest and taunted but quickly noticed Hidan standing up. "So you are indeed immortal."

As he stood up, his feet drew the same circle as before. "That hurts you dickhead!"

Kakuzu didn't care much and just launched the same attack, his fist hitting the same regenerated place, impaling him once again.

"Get your shit off me!" Hidan screamed in anger, removed the hand in his chest, and licked the blood on his hand.

His whole body became black with white patterns running through his whole body.

He took out a long sword and aimed at his heart while screaming like a maniac; "FOR JASHIN'S GLORY!"

However, before he could stab himself, paper flowers with lances appeared around him and impaled his arm to his collarbone, making any further movement impossible.

"W-what is this crap?!"

"Don't worry, Hidan. I will make this as painless as possible." A calm voice rang in everyone's ears, Kakuzu and Konan didn't turn around as they knew who he was.

Out of the forest, a teenager calmly walked out, his hand holding an adorned but thin white katana.

"Another weirdo, huh? Doesn't matter! I'm gonna kill you all!" Hidan tore down his arm, and his collarbone's skin tore with it, exposing his bone.

He then rushed toward the teenager and threw his scythe.

Dantes just sidestepped calmly while staring down at him.

Hidan, seeing this, smiled as he yanked on the rope, his scythe coming back from the teenager's back and him rushing to him. His enemy was sandwiched.

"Shikigami no Kakumau."

He didn't understand what this meant but he quickly noticed the sword in the enemy's hand arch, leaving a black line in its wake.

And then, as if having its own gravitational pull, it pulled the red scythe into the dem arch, impossible to retrieve back.

"What kinds of tricks are these you bastard?!" Hidan charged forward, his previous sword tightly gripped in his hands, determined to defeat Dantes.

However, the sword fight was over almost as soon as it started, with Dantes outperforming Hidan at every turn. The decisive move came when Hidan's head was sent flying, ending the dual in a swift and brutal fashion.

The white-haired teen grabbed the decapitated head and put it on the corpse's neck.

"Join us, you will have plenty of people to 'convert' to your Lord, Hidan."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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