I Have No Name

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-Two Months Later-

"You don't have any chakra. Why do you keep coming to school?!"

Upon enrolling in school, Dantes was immediately subjected to discrimination based on his lack of chakra. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to manifest any chakra, making him stand out from the other students in a negative way. This led to him being isolated and excluded from various activities, which had a significant impact on his sense of belonging.

'There I thought I could finally find something interesting only to have it stolen from my grasp. Sigh~...'

From the very first day that Dantes joined the school, he was subjected to a never-ending barrage of insults and occasional physical attacks. Day in and day out, the routine was always the same - rapid insults or sudden blows. However, Dantes never really cared about the abuse. Having always been a loner, he had grown accustomed to the pain and it no longer affected him, except for a numbing sensation that he had come to expect.

"Man~, even in another world school is so boring." He lazily muttered to himself while walking toward the end of the classroom.

'I wouldn't mind beating them up but they have chakra. And from what I discovered, even tho it's not a substantial amount, it still makes them slightly stronger than me.

I could still beat one up but they all seem to have united to isolate me.'

He found himself questioning his purpose for attending school. He couldn't figure out what he was gaining from being there. The classes seemed uninteresting and lacked any valuable lessons. He wondered if it was just a force of habit that made him continue to attend, or if there was still some hope for him to learn something new.

'Maybe I should abandon scho- ah."

As he was approaching his seat, he suddenly found his path obstructed by Haruki, one of the notorious troublemakers in the class. Haruki had deliberately stretched his legs in front of him, causing him to trip and stumble.

"Did you forget how to walk?!"
And so on, everyone in the classroom laughed.
'Kids in this world are ruthless huh. Let's see a beautiful reaction then~.'

As the group ridiculed and belittled the young man for his supposed lack of chakras, a sudden cry pierced the air. It wasn't Dantes, but Haruki who let out a pained howl. The others looked over to find a pen sticking out of his hand, blood oozing from the wound and staining the table. Haruki's sobs echoed through the room as he clutched his injured hand and stumbled out of the door, leaving behind a tense and uneasy atmosphere.

Dantes had a very faint feeling in his chest but it was almost unnoticeable, and so he just continued to walk toward his seat and sat. As if it was another day.

Not even 5 minutes later, a man with a headband entered class, it was their principal teacher. He scanned the classroom before his eyes landed on the lone kid at the end row of the class.

"Dantes! Why did you do that?" He ordered.
'He started it maybe ? That's a ninja which means I can't anger him right now or when I leave school he may disturb me.
Man~, can't say he is ignoring my discrimination and protecting the kids or he's gonna get even angrier.'

"Sensei-senpai, my hand slipped."

'I guess that wasn't a very good excuse huh. I was gonna leave by myself but I didn't expect to be expelled from the school. Guess being a pariah, having no chakra, no parents and lazy was a good combo.'

As he ambled aimlessly into the dense forest that separates The Land of Fire and Land of Rain, he found himself lost in thought. The rustling of leaves under his feet and the whispering of the wind through the trees provided a soothing background to his musings. He pondered the mysteries of life and the universe, letting his mind wander wherever it pleased.

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