Beginning of insanity

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Dantes' body felt weightless, as though suspended in a turbulent liquid. The currents swirled around him, pushing and pulling him in every direction. He was clad in a set of pristine white garments that hugged his adolescent form, the fabric smooth against his skin. It was a strange and disorienting sensation as if he had been plucked from his world and dropped into another, unfamiliar one.

Upon opening his eyes, he saw the vast bluish darkness surrounding him. Looking up, he saw the sun's shining rays traversing the liquid's surface.

And before he could react, he felt something grab onto his leg. When he looked down, he saw a thin white decomposing, and deformed hand grabbing him. The arm extended from beyond the darkness and passed dozens of joints. And like a horrific nightmare, the ocean-like liquid took on a reddish hue. From the surroundings, extremely long decomposed and deformed hands swam toward him like a school of eels, trying to grab his body.

'W-what the fuck is going?!' Was all he thought before trying to swim upward toward the surface. His efforts were in vain, the thousands of hands grabbing him with iron grips, slowly drawing him into the blood-like abyss.

His panicked thoughts slowly became sluggish, his ear ringing with phantasmal echoing screams of agony and anguish. And before he could give up resisting this hell, a hand suddenly grabbed into his, pulling him out of the murky red liquid.

"Cough Cough!" He choked on his breath, his lungs filled with inexistent liquid before throwing up white liquid on the brick wall. Dantes was about to stand up when he suddenly noticed the white liquid taking the form of deformed hands like the ones back in the abyss.

<Dantes, please back off!> Zengestsu's voice rang in his ears and following his request, he weakly jumped back, and where the hands-like creature stood struck a long sword.

"Th-thanks for pulling me out of there..." He heaved a sigh and slowly relaxed as if all this happened was but a dream.

<A little more and I thought I was going to lose you. Fortunately, I was->

"Who are you ?" Zengetsu's voice was stopped midway in his sentence, and then a look of confusion appeared on his face.

<Poor you~, Did you hurt your head? I'm Zenge->

"Shut the fuck up. Zengetsu doesn't look like me." Dantes' words were the truth, Zengetsu had the form of a young adult, was lean, and had ear-length white hairs. Yet the impostor before him looked exactly like Dantes but with reversed colors.

<W-what do you mean? It's -> As the impostor was about to create an excuse, he was cleanly cut down in half by a blade.

The two halves then started emitting inhuman screeches and mutating into long-hand decomposing hands. Before the monster could take any further actions, it was entrapped, compressed, and sealed into a giant thick block of paper.

"I'm in my soul world, do you really think you can do anything here you little shit." His voice seething with anger, this thing tried trick after trick to make him lower his defense.

<So you finally beat up that thing hehe. A little more and you became a full brainless Hollow~.> The familiar distorted voice rang again in his ears but this time he was prepared and drew his sword toward the source.

<Haha, do you really think you can beat me?!> The real Zengetsu taunted him while grabbing his sword with one hand.

"Phew~, man what the hell was all that crap about? That was stuff straight of a nightmare." He lamented, his body flopping on his butt, completely mentally exhausted.

<I don't know but I would say that your inner hollow is going loose because of this Chain of Fate. Anyway you should maybe wake up > Dantes didn't have a moment of respite and was directly sent to the real world.

Upon opening his eyes, he stared at the black ceiling, his body laying down on a big bed. When he turned his head to his side he saw the rainy night, small apartment lights glowing in the darkness like fireflies.


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