Ryder was soon out of it, almost running away from it.

"Okay, I think he's gone," I muttered. 

"Okay, there should be a button at the -" found it. I opened the boot of the car as Chris's voice screamed in my ears. 

"WAIT!" he snapped. "What the fuck, Scarlet, I am still trying to freeze the cameras for them!" 

Oops! I knew Chris could freeze the cameras only for ten minutes. Their security systems were strong and that was the only liberty we had. He couldn't stay on their system for more than fifteen without being tracked. 

"NOW!" he yelled as I opened the boot once again. 

"There's no one around, I can see the live feed," Chris assured me as I sped towards the door. "Ryder is already on the first floor."

"Okay..." I whispered as I entered the house. 

"Scarlet, he's not in his room, but are you sure that's where you want -"

"Don't waste my time!" I snapped. Ryder's room was the only recognizable room where I wouldn't waste my time. Through the cameras, a clear board was visible on his front door. There was no point going to Rihanna's, which was next to his. 

"Take a left here," Chris continued. "Don't worry, there are only four men in the house right now and three of them are in the room on the first floor. The last one is near the front door."

"Faster, Chris," I warned him as I saw the door he had been telling us about. Chris had spent a week trying to invade their security system, always getting liberty of just a few minutes before he entered the danger time zones of risking alarms. 

I didn't spare myself even another minute of looking around the house as I entered his room, locking the door behind me. What I faced was a room that was so plain, that I couldn't even imagine it was Ryder's, had I not noticed the pictures on the wall. I saw his father, his sister and him, in so many of them that I wanted to curse him loudly. 

Why did he have to do this?

"The man from the front door is walking towards this room, Scarlet!" Stephen yelled in my ear piece as I winced. 

"Hey, don't be so -"

"Scarlet, hide somewhere, he's close to the room!" Meredith snapped in my ears as my eyes widened. I hadn't even seen a quarter of the house and I was already in trouble. I eyed the door on the left and hurried, closing it behind me but staying close to it. 

Sure enough, the footsteps became louder until I heard the main door of the room open. 

"Hello?" A man asked as my heartbeat fastened, my face pressed against the door as I tried to hear him better. The darkness of the room wasn't making my anxiety any better. "Why is this door closed, man?" he continued, speaking to no one in particular. 

"Gabe?" another voice called out. 

"Don't worry, Scarlet, breathe," Stephen said, calmly this time. "Can you look around? Is there an exit around you?" he asked as I finally opened my eyes. 

The men were talking near Ryder's room and I could still hear them as I looked beside me. 

At first, I didn't understand where I was standing until my hands met with something. Thankfully, it was the light switch. The voices of the men died down and that's when I switched on the lights. I almost had a heart attack as the lights came on but I made sure I turned around slowly, the gun loaded in my right hand. 

I had led myself into my nightmare. The square room that I now stood in should have been a closet. At least that's what made sense in a boy's room, right?

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