☆Chapter 8☆

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Toro's Pov

Mut: " Kau kenapa toro? nampak cam tak tenang aje? "

Bing: " Tu la pasal, aku duk perati je dari tadi.. kau okay tak toro? " She ask worriedly

I stare at the floor for a while before slightly shook my head

" Takde pape lah.. aku okay je, takyah risau pasal aku. "

I can feel they gazed at me weirdly and with worried but they just let me be

Fluffie: " Apo cito la si Ryan dengan mat ganu tu kat jamban yer.. " he say while hugging his leg

Talked about them makes me tense a bit, perasaan risau tentang mereka berdua menyelinap ke seluruh tubuh. Hoping that, both of them wouldn't do anything crazy with each other.

Mereka hanya diam, tidak tahu bagaimana hendak menjawab persoalan Fluffie. Dan sebaliknya hanya berharap bahawa kawan mereka baik-baik sahaja.

Pokro's pov

I just look at Ryan with mix feelings, didn't really know how to feel.

" Kau nak.. buat apa dengan pisau tu? nak bunuh aku? Well, kalau boleh cuba la. Tu pun kalau boleh la.." I say with a bit sarcastic while smile awkwardly at him

He still staring deep into my soul before sigh out loudly and doing something very unexpected.

He suddenly cut his own finger with the small knife, the blood flowed out slowly because the wound was not that deep but enough to make him bleed.

My eye open wide while him looking chill and steady with it. Bau darah kuat menyerbak akibat lukanya masih fresh making my head feel dizzy and my visions blurry.

I walked away from him while covering my mulut juga hidung

" Kau an Ryan.. kau memang. betul betul la.. " I say while gritted teeth

Trying to control the feeling tuk terkam si Ryan ni and also the dizziness, while Ryan hanya berdiri diam watching me suffering

After a few minute, bau darah semakin menghilang dan pudar, tangan dilepas daripada menekup. Aku menghembus nafas perlahan sambil menjeling ke arah Ryan.

" Kau dah kenapa ha? kalau aku terkam kau tadi camne? taknya nanti kau jugak jadi zombie.. " Tengkin aku, marogh marogh

He just chuckle and shrug his shoulder

Ryan: " Tapi kau tak terkam aku kan? " say him with slow tone

" Ye la sebab aku tahan! , aku control. Tu yang aku tak terkam kau. Kenapa nak aku terkam kau ke ha? nak jadi zombie jugak? boleh je kalau ko nak. " I said as I glared at him.

Ryan just gelak sambil menggelengkan kepalanya, looking at him with slightly smile

Ryan: " Sejak kau jadi half zombie ni, makin bertambah bodoh kaunya. "

Ouch, I'm offended.

Ryan: " Aku saja wat cam tu, nak test kau. And you passed the test, congratulations. " he say while applause yang tidak begitu ikhlas

Tilt my head to the side " test? test apa ni..? " still blur with the situation

Ryan: Sigh " Kau tak terkam aku an tadi time aku terdedah dengan darah? " 

" Aha..? astu? " Scratching my neck that doesn't itch

Ryan: " Padahal boleh je kau terkam an? Tapi kau taknak. Sebab apa? sebab kau tu masih waras walaupun kau zombie sekalipun. Kau reject and cuba tuk control daripada terkam aku. Simple cam tu un takle tangkap ke hah? " He poke my forehead

Jaw dropped fr, ada logicnya..

" So aku masih normal lah?! "

Ryan: shrug " Meh, not really. " he say dengan selambanya 

' What the fish does that even mean- '

Ryan: " Dah la baik kau turun bawah dengan aku sekarang. Kang, jais datang tiba-tiba "

Ryan berlalu pergi meninggalkan aku yang terpinga-pinga di belakang

' Apa kene mengena dengan jais pulak tiba-tiba? random naw..'

Did I just finally update a chapter on this book- 😟😟

Let's wait another year for me to update next chapter 🥰🧍🏻‍♀️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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